gigabytedevelopers / FireFiles

Powerful Android File Manager for everything that runs on Android OS (Android TV, Android Watch, Mobile, etc)
Apache License 2.0
57 stars 17 forks source link

Heritage #2

Closed IzzySoft closed 6 years ago

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

Just wondering: Is FireFiles based upon AnExplorer? The structure of the source code is almost identical (and I see this fork in your list, @enwokoma ), plus peeking into some of the source files, even the content. If so, shouldn't that be mentioned at a prominent place, to give credit where it's due? If you don't, people might cry "plagiarism" and "pirates" – though you put it under the same license, see Apache 2.0 license paragraph 4b+c: you seem to have removed those headers from the files, which would count as violation of 4b+c.

I'm not putting a blame here, just a friendly hint!

enwokoma commented 6 years ago

Yes yes! @IzzySoft, FireFiles is based on AnExplorer and I did some mentioning in the App's and License Text, do you think it's also necessary to make a text in the About page of FireFiles (within the app)

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

Well, I think you shouldn't have removed those headings in the files (especially as the license explicitly states so). And yes, I think the Readme needs some polish in this concern: the first and only mention ("The free version of AnExplorer has ads") looks like you forgot to "remove evidence" :wink:

I'd suggest to adjust the initial sentence:

Gigs-Explorer (File Explorer) is an all-in-one file management tool.

should read (markdown here, so you can simply copy-paste it):

Gigs-Explorer (File Explorer) is an all-in-one file management tool based on [AnExplorer](

Then, you certainly had good reasons to not simply use AnExplorer yourself but creating a "fork". What makes FireFiles (or GigsExplorer, as you seem to rebrand it) different? What did you add/change? That should, with a few words, follow above introduction – maybe integrated into the following paragraph. Just a few works are fine; if an extensive description is needed, that could still be placed later or into a different file or the Wiki/FAQ.

That done, and the file headings re-established, noone can accuse you of "pirating" (or something alike) – the Apache license clearly allows for such "derivative works", see the opening of §4. Just if it looks as if you'd pretend having done the entire job yourself (presenting someone else's work as your own – which is not your intention, as I gladly see) you'll earn mischief.

Another "yes" to adding a hint in the About page – which currently only holds 4 links. You could insert that first introductional line (with or without the link) right before those links (still in the white area), and I'd also add a link to your Github presence here ("Visit the project" or alike).

PS: I don't see any mention in the license file (which is the plain Apache 2.0 license, and that's OK) nor in the license text at the bottom of the Readme (you wrote "I did some mentioning in the App's and License Text"). But with the clear start and the file headings in place again (you could and maybe even should add your "copyright line" there wherever you changed a file (and only there) as per Apache license 4b.

enwokoma commented 6 years ago

Ok. Would do just that right now. Please give me a few seconds!

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

Guess restoring those file headers in the source tree will take more than just a few seconds, so I'd even grant you a few hours or more :wink:

Btw: As RTL support is already present in AnExplorer, FireFiles hardly can be the "only one" having that. Suggested edit: "One of very few file managers to support RTL …"

Apart from that, the edit looks great – a double :+1: :+1: on that!

enwokoma commented 6 years ago

Done! Thanks a lot for spotting that out. Your contributions so far has been really helpful to us!

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

Thanks again for reacting that fast! Please don't forget to add back the headers to the source files, or you stay in violation of the license :wink:

enwokoma commented 6 years ago

Ya ya. Currently that would be a lot of work and could take a while, but hopefully I would be able to take care of that by the end of the weekend! Please bear with us and try to be patient with me on this one! 😂

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

@enwokoma Sure! I already said so:

Guess restoring those file headers in the source tree will take more than just a few seconds, so I'd even grant you a few hours or more 😉

A few days is definitely understandable. Certainly more than one file is affected :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

@enwokoma just as a "keep-alive": next weekend starts day after tomorrow :wink:

enwokoma commented 6 years ago

Lol! 😂. Am aware of that, still have it in mind, that's why I left it open. Unlike me, why I haven't done it up till now is because there are a lot of Tech meetups we (Gigabyte Developers) are organizing so that's currently tying everyone down! But we sure hope to get it fixed ASAP!

enwokoma commented 6 years ago

I just assigned this to someone else, hopefully he's going to be able to take care of this since I've been busy all through the week and might still be occupied all weekend!

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

:rofl: I know exactly what you mean: so many meetings that's no time left to do the job … I hope you don't mind a weekly reminder, to keep the topic fresh? Won't ping more often than that, and neither call a meeting on it :innocent:

enwokoma commented 6 years ago

Cool! If that's okay with you, I really don't mind a weekly reminder! 😂 Thanks once again for your contributions so far towards the progress of FireFiles!

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

Any time, @enwokoma – and it might not be on the minute, but definitely not shorter termed. With some luck, even completely unnecessary :wink:

enwokoma commented 6 years ago

Closing this now... This has been resolved by @Marcusjnr via

Thanks so much for your time and patience

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

Thanks, but not so fast @enwokoma – some files have been missed. For example:

 * Copyright (C) 2014 Hari Krishna Dulipudi
 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project

Same file in FireFiles is

 * Copyright (C) 2017 Gigabyte Developers Incorporated
 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project

Shouldn't the original credits remain, and yours added if you updated the code? At least that's how I understand the license.

enwokoma commented 6 years ago

Ok. Thanks for spotting that out! @Marcusjnr might have missed those by mistake. I will look into that myself! When I get less busy! 😂

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

I didn't say "on purpose" :wink: Maybe to easier spot those, get a copy of the AnExplorer repo and grep for above string. Then compare the findings with your code. That should catch most of it.

enwokoma commented 6 years ago

Ok.. Would sure do that! Though I may not be able to catch all, but am sure going to update most but not all at all! Would probably update 2 or more files and that's all!

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

As many as you can catch – and the more the better. Best if none remains, so nobody can put blame on you. Had you only known before :wink: Tapping my hat for your efforts!