gigaherz / Guidebook

Minecraft book API and library
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Can i put my own images inside this Guidebook? (not from MC resourses) #117

Closed F-L-O-K-I closed 1 year ago

F-L-O-K-I commented 1 year ago

If i can - where should i store it? Mb its real with some other mods?

gigaherz commented 1 year ago

Yes, all images you have in resources in the config folder can be used. That is, you can put a PNG image in your config folder like this:


and then you can reference it as "gbook:image1"

gigaherz commented 1 year ago

Oh forgot to say, if you are making a resource pack for the book you can just have the images in the resource pack, and then you can use whatever namespace the resource pack is in, "gbook" or otherwise.

F-L-O-K-I commented 1 year ago

What am i doing wrong? Q_Q (i'm trying to make resourcepack and add my own cover for book (48x48))

It is trouble with picture or i made smthing wrong?

F-L-O-K-I commented 1 year ago

Btw if i will change default.png in mod folders, on my own - all will be fine: image

UPD: If i will try to use this picture on page - it will show pink-black squares (texture missing) image image

F-L-O-K-I commented 1 year ago

I fix it! (not for resourcepack, but it works xD) So, if u want add any custom picture in this mod (1.16.5) use this inissue guide:

This works ony if u creating new books in gbook folder. If you created other folder for own book - use it. (c)Cpt Logic

I want add covers

I want add my own pictures in books

Ghz, sry cuz bothering you with stuped questions, but this awesome mod really need detailed wiki or better -- videoGuide! I believe, one day, someone will create it!)

gigaherz commented 1 year ago

Uh you are not supposed to edit the .jar file! That will not work if you are making a modpack to share with others via curseforge or such! I haven't had time to look into your issue yet, but it should work from the config folder, or using the same paths in a resource pack.

F-L-O-K-I commented 1 year ago

I'm making server with it own launcher, so its not a problem ;) But yes, i will try in next few days do the same with resourcepack. I think i understand now, how it must to be, while changing .jar file. Thank you for your attention!