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Issues with PostUpload script #1664

Open only1chunts opened 7 months ago

only1chunts commented 7 months ago

User story

As a curator I want the post uploadscript to work as expected So that I can use it

Acceptance criteria

Given I have uploaded a dataset using the upload script When I run the postUpload script Then the file sizes and file MDsum values are added to the database as expected for all files. And the readme file is created (this works OK, I just didn't want you to think it wasn't important anymore!)

Additional Info

When I ran the post upload on dataset 102495 today (1Feb2024) it updated some of the md5sum values but not all, and the error log is unclear to me why, and it didn't give an obvious error message, with the last line of the ouput just saying "PostUpload jobs done!" see below.

None of the file sizes were added to the database.

Command line output of postUpload script

[chrish@ip-10-99-0-90 ~]$ sudo /home/centos/ 102495

* About to update files' size for 102495
Exception 'yii\db\Exception' with message 'SQLSTATE[08006] [7] timeout expired'

in /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php:648

Error Info:
    [0] => 08006
    [1] => 7
    [2] => timeout expired

Caused by: Exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[08006] [7] timeout expired'

in /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php:722

Stack trace:
#0 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(722): PDO->__construct('pgsql:host=rds-...', 'gigadb', Object(SensitiveParameterValue), NULL)
#1 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(637): yii\db\Connection->createPdoInstance()
#2 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1067): yii\db\Connection->open()
#3 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1054): yii\db\Connection->getMasterPdo()
#4 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(461): yii\db\Connection->getSlavePdo()
#5 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(946): yii\db\Schema->quoteValue('102495')
#6 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(211): yii\db\Connection->quoteValue('102495')
#7 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1126): yii\db\Command->getRawSql()
#8 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1147): yii\db\Command->logQuery('yii\\db\\Command:...')
#9 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(424): yii\db\Command->queryInternal('fetch', NULL)
#10 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Query.php(287): yii\db\Command->queryOne()
#11 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/ActiveQuery.php(304): yii\db\Query->one(NULL)
#12 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/components/DatasetFilesUpdater.php(50): yii\db\ActiveQuery->one()
#13 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/controllers/UpdateController.php(35): app\components\DatasetFilesUpdater->updateFileSize()
#14 [internal function]: app\controllers\UpdateController->actionFileSize()
#15 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/InlineAction.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#16 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Controller.php(178): yii\base\InlineAction->runWithParams(Array)
#17 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Controller.php(180): yii\base\Controller->runAction('file-size', Array)
#18 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php(552): yii\console\Controller->runAction('file-size', Array)
#19 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(180): yii\base\Module->runAction('update/file-siz...', Array)
#20 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(147): yii\console\Application->runAction('update/file-siz...', Array)
#21 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Application.php(384): yii\console\Application->handleRequest(Object(yii\console\Request))
#22 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/yii(20): yii\base\Application->run()
#23 {main}

Done with updating files' size for 102495. Nb of successful changes saved in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/updating-file-size-102495.txt

* About to check that file urls are valid for 102495
Exception 'yii\db\Exception' with message 'SQLSTATE[08006] [7] timeout expired'

in /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php:648

Error Info:
    [0] => 08006
    [1] => 7
    [2] => timeout expired

Caused by: Exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[08006] [7] timeout expired'

in /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php:722

Stack trace:
#0 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(722): PDO->__construct('pgsql:host=rds-...', 'gigadb', Object(SensitiveParameterValue), NULL)
#1 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(637): yii\db\Connection->createPdoInstance()
#2 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1067): yii\db\Connection->open()
#3 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1054): yii\db\Connection->getMasterPdo()
#4 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(461): yii\db\Connection->getSlavePdo()
#5 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(946): yii\db\Schema->quoteValue('102495')
#6 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(211): yii\db\Connection->quoteValue('102495')
#7 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1126): yii\db\Command->getRawSql()
#8 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1147): yii\db\Command->logQuery('yii\\db\\Command:...')
#9 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(424): yii\db\Command->queryInternal('fetch', NULL)
#10 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Query.php(287): yii\db\Command->queryOne()
#11 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/ActiveQuery.php(304): yii\db\Query->one(NULL)
#12 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/components/FilesURLsFetcher.php(35): yii\db\ActiveQuery->one()
#13 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/controllers/CheckController.php(37): app\components\FilesURLsFetcher->verifyURLs()
#14 [internal function]: app\controllers\CheckController->actionValidUrls()
#15 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/InlineAction.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#16 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Controller.php(178): yii\base\InlineAction->runWithParams(Array)
#17 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Controller.php(180): yii\base\Controller->runAction('valid-urls', Array)
#18 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php(552): yii\console\Controller->runAction('valid-urls', Array)
#19 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(180): yii\base\Module->runAction('check/valid-url...', Array)
#20 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(147): yii\console\Application->runAction('check/valid-url...', Array)
#21 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Application.php(384): yii\console\Application->handleRequest(Object(yii\console\Request))
#22 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/yii(20): yii\base\Application->run()
#23 {main}

Done with checking that file urls are valid for 102495. Invalid Urls (if any) are save in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/invalid-urls-102495.txt

* About to update files' MD5 Checksum as file attribute for 102495
No file found at
No file found at
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675216
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675217
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675218
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675219
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675220
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675221
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675222
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675223
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675224
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675225
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675226
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675227
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675228
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675229
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675230
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675231
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675232
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675233
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675234
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675235
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675236
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675237
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675238
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675239
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675240
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 675241
Error: Call to a member function updateMd5Checksum() on null in /var/www/protected/commands/FilesCommand.php:67
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: FilesCommand->actionUpdateMD5FileAttributes('102495')
#1 /var/www/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/console/CConsoleCommand.php(178): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(FilesCommand), Array)
#2 /var/www/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/console/CConsoleCommandRunner.php(71): CConsoleCommand->run(Array)
#3 /var/www/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/console/CConsoleApplication.php(92): CConsoleCommandRunner->run(Array)
#4 /var/www/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/base/CApplication.php(185): CConsoleApplication->processRequest()
#5 /var/www/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/yiic.php(33): CApplication->run()
#6 /var/www/protected/yiic.php(10): require_once('/var/www/vendor...')
#7 /var/www/protected/yiic(4): require_once('/var/www/protec...')
#8 {main}
Done with updating files' MD5 Checksum as file attribute for 102495. Process status is saved in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/updating-md5checksum-102495.txt

* About to create the README file for 102495
[DOI] 10.5524/102495

[Title] Supporting data for "A reference genome of Commelinales provides
insights into the commelinids evolution and global spread of water hyacinth
(Pontederia crassipes)"

[Release Date] 2024-01-29

[Citation] Huang, Y; Guo, l; Xie, l; Shang, N; Wu, D; Ye, C; Rudell, EC; Okada,
K; Zhu, Q; Song, B; Cai, D; Junior, AM; Bai, L; Fan, L (2024): Supporting data
for "A reference genome of Commelinales provides insights into the commelinids
evolution and global spread of water hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes)"
GigaScience Database.

[Data Type] Genomic,Transcriptomic

[Data Summary] Commelinales belongs to the commelinids clade which also
comprises Poales that includes the most important monocot species, such as rice,
wheat, and maize. No reference genome of Commelinales is current available.
Water hyacinth (<i>Pontederia crassipes</i>), a member of Commelinales, is one
of the devastating aquatic weeds although it is also grown as an ornamental and
medical plant. Here, we present a chromosome-scale reference genome of the
tetraploid water hyacinth with a total length of 1.22 Gb (over 95% of the
estimated size) across eight pseudochromosome pairs. With the representative
genomes, we reconstructed phylogeny of the commelinids, which supported
Zingiberales and Commelinales being sister lineages of Arecales and shed lights
on the controversial relationship of the orders. We also reconstructed ancestral
karyotypes of the commelinids clade and confirmed the ancient commelinids genome
have eight chromosomes, not five as previously reported. Gene family analysis
revealed contraction of disease-resistance genes during polyploidization of
water hyacinth, likely a result of fitness requirement for its role as a weed.
Genetic diversity analysis using nine water hyacinth lines from three continents
(South America, Asia and Europe) revealed very closely related nuclear genomes
and almost identical chloroplast genomes of the materials, and demonstrated the
global water hyacinth having a common origin in Brazil. The genomic resources of
<i>P. crassipes</i> reported here contribute a crucial missing link of the
commelinids species and offer novel insights into their phylogeny.

[File Location]

[File name] - [File Description]
readme_102495.txt  -
busco_full_table.tsv  -  the full table of busco
busco_missing_list.tsv  -  the missing list of busco
busco_short_summary.tsv  -  the short summary of busco
fig1_draw_4dtv-ks.R  -  the script to draw the 4dtv and ks distribution plot. Underlying data or code for Figure 1 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig1_Ecra_Cnuc.col  -  the alignments result of P. crassipes compared with coconut. Underlying data or code for Figure 1 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig1_Ks_self.txt  -  the distribution of Ks inner P.crassipes. Underlying data or code for Figure 1 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig1_Ks.txt  -  the distribution of Ks. Underlying data or code for Figure 1 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig1_ultrametric.tree  -  the ultrametric tree. Underlying data or code for Figure 1 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig1_ultrametric_tree.ali  -  the alignments results of the tree. Underlying data or code for Figure 1 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_Myb_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of Myb domain. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_C2_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of C2 domain. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_HLW_subB_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of the subgenomeB of P.crassipes. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_Legume_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of Legume domain. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_P450_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of P450 domain. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_AP2_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of Ap2 domain. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_WAK_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of WAK domain. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_HLW_subA_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of the subgenomeA of P.crassipes. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_GRAS_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of GRAS domain. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_NB-ARC_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of NB-ARC domain. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_Pdac_changeid_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of P. dactylifera. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_Sitalica_v2.2.tsv  -  the function annotation results of S. italica. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_Peroxidase_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of Peroxidase domain. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_Cnuc_changeid_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of  coconut. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_Plat_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of  P. latifolius. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_Mbal_changeid.tsv  -  the function annotation results of  M. balbisiana. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_Acom_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of  A. comosus. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_At_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of  Acorus tatarinowii. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_Osativa_v7.0.tsv  -  the function annotation results of  rice. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_Zoff_hap1_interpro.tsv  -  the function annotation results of  Z. officinale. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_WRYK_interpro.tsv  -  the func fig interpro of tabular data. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_gfamily_dif.R  -  the script to draw the genefamily difference. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig2_syteny_retention.R  -  the script to draw the retion gene. Underlying data or code for Figure 2 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig3_AGK2_ACommK.col  -  the synteny result of old AGK genome and commelinids ancestor genome. Underlying data or code for Figure 3 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig3_Osat_ACommK.col  -  the synteny result of rice and commelinids ancestor genome. Underlying data or code for Figure 3 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig3_Plat_ACommK.col  -  the synteny result of the inner node of P. latifolius and commelinids ancestor genome. Underlying data or code for Figure 3 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig3_Mbal_ACommK.col  -  the synteny result of M. balbisiana and commelinids ancestor genome. Underlying data or code for Figure 3 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig3_HLWB_ACommK.col  -  the synteny result of subgenomeB of P.crassipes and commelinids ancestor genome. Underlying data or code for Figure 3 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig3_AGK_ACommK.col  -  the synteny result of new AGK genome and commelinids ancestor genome. Underlying data or code for Figure 3 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig3_Bdis_ACommK.col  -  the synteny result of B. distachyon and commelinids ancestor genome. Underlying data or code for Figure 3 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig3_APoaK_ACommK.col  -  the synteny result of poaceae genome and commelinids ancestor genome. Underlying data or code for Figure 3 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig3_Cnuc_ACommK.col  -  the synteny result of coconut and commelinids ancestor genome. Underlying data or code for Figure 3 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig3_Acom_ACommK.col  -  the synteny result of A. comosus and commelinids ancestor genome. Underlying data or code for Figure 3 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig3_APK_ACommK.col  -  the synteny result of new poaceae genome and commelinids ancestor genome. Underlying data or code for Figure 3 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig3_Zoff_ACommK.col  -  the synteny result of Z. officinale and commelinids ancestor genome. Underlying data or code for Figure 3 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig4_chloroplast.ali  -  the alignments of chloroplast. Underlying data or code for Figure 4 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig4_reseq.ali  -  the alignments of resequencing result. Underlying data or code for Figure 4 in the accompanying manuscript.
fig4_reseq.tree  -  the phylogenetic tree of resequencing alignments. Underlying data or code for Figure 4 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig8_PCA.R  -  the  script for pCA. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig8 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig1.survey.histo  -  the data Sup fig of flow cytometry. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig1 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig2.chrom-subgenome.tsv  -  the data Sup fig of subgenome diverfication. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig2 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig2.kmer.mat  -  the matrix of different kmer located in subgenome. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig2 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig2.ltr.bin.count  -  the distribution of ltr. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig2 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig3_concatenation.tree  -  the species tree build based on concatenation. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig3 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig4_Ecra.collinearity  -  the collinearity inner P.crassipes. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig4 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig6_TE.txt  -  the distribution of TE. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig6 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig7_Ks.txt  -  the distribution of Ks. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig7 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig7_Ecra_Acom.collinearity  -  the synteny result of P. crassipes compared with  A. comosus. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig7 in the accompanying manuscript.  -  the distribution of ltr. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig2 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig3_coalescence.tree  -  the species tree build based on coalescence. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig3 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig3_concatenation_tree.ali  -  the alignments of concatenation tree. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig3 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig7_Ecra_Zoff.collinearity  -  the synteny result of P. crassipes compared with Z. officinale. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig7 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig3_all_tree_set.tree  -  the data for densitree. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig3 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig7_Ecra_Cnuc.collinearity  -  the synteny result of P. crassipes compared with coconut. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig7 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig8_pca.eigenvec  -  the data for PCA. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig8 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig2.subgenome.bin.count  -  the data for subgenome distribution. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig2 in the accompanying manuscript.
Sup_fig5_Ks.txt  -  the distribution of Ks. Underlying data or code for Figure Sup_fig5 in the accompanying manuscript.
HLW.asm.p_ctg.fa  -  genome assembly fasta file (draft assembly)
HLW_racon_split18.FINAL.fasta.mod.EDTA.TEanno.gff3  -  The GFF annotation files for TE region
HLW_seq16_cds.fa  -  gene CDS fasta file
HLW_seq16.fa  -  genome assembly fasta file (chromosome level assembly)
HLW_seq16.gff3  -  The GFF annotation files for coding gene
HLW_seq16_prot.fa  -  gene protein fasta file

All files and data are distributed under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public
Domain Dedication (, unless
specifically stated otherwise, see for more details.



Done with creating the README file for 102495. The README file is saved in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/readme-102495.txt

All postUpload logs have been moved to: /home/chrish/uploadDir

PostUpload jobs done!

Product Backlog Item Ready Checklist

Product Backlog Item Done Checklist

kencho51 commented 7 months ago

Tested on production staging:

% ssh -i output/privkeys- ken@
Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket

Last login: Mon Feb  5 03:10:38 2024 from
[ken@ip-10-99-0-147 ~]$ sudo /home/centos/ 100006

* About to update files' size for 100006
nb. changes: 7

Done with updating files' size for 100006. Nb of successful changes saved in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/updating-file-size-100006.txt

* About to check that file urls are valid for 100006
| URL | Issue |

Done with checking that file urls are valid for 100006. Invalid Urls (if any) are save in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/invalid-urls-100006.txt

* About to update files' MD5 Checksum as file attribute for 100006
No file found at
No file found at
No file found at
No file found at
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 10674
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 10672
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 10673
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 10671
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 10670
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 10669
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 10675

Done with updating files' MD5 Checksum as file attribute for 100006. Process status is saved in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/updating-md5checksum-100006.txt

* About to create the README file for 100006
[DOI] 10.5524/100006

[Title] Genomic data from Adelie penguin (<em>Pygoscelis adeliae</em>). 

[Release Date] 2011-07-06

[Citation] Wang, J; Zhang, G; Lambert, DM (2011): Genomic data from Adelie
penguin (<em>Pygoscelis adeliae</em>).  GigaScience Database.

[Data Type] Genomic

[Data Summary] The Adelie penguin (<em>Pygoscelis adeliae</em>) is an iconic
penguin of moderate stature and a tuxedo of black and white feathers.  The
penguins are only found in the Antarctic region and surrounding islands.  Being
very sensitive to climate change, and due to changes in their behavior based on
minor shifts in climate, they are often used as a barometer of the Antarctic.
With its status as one of the adorable and cuddly flightless birds of
Antarctica, they serve as an example for conservation, and as a result they are
now categorised at low risk for endangerment.  The sequence of the penguin can
be of use in understanding the genetic underpinnings of its evolutionary traits
and adaptation to its extreme environment; its unique system of feathers; its
prowess as a diver; and its sensitivity to climate change.  We hope that this
genome data will further our understanding of one of the most remarkable
creatures to waddle the planet Earth.<br> We sequenced the genome of an adult
male from Inexpressible Island, Ross Sea, Antartica (provided by David Lambert)
to a depth of approximately 60X with short reads from a series of libraries with
various insert sizes (200bp- 20kb). 
The assembled scaffolds of high quality sequences total 1.23 Gb, with the contig
and scaffold N50 values of 19 kb and 5 mb respectively. We identified 15,270
protein-coding genes with a mean length of  21.3 kb.

[File Location]

[File name] - [File Description]
readme.txt  -  
Pygoscelis_adeliae.fa.gz  -  assembled scaffolds from sequence data
Pygoscelis_adeliae.gff.gz  -  coding sequence annotation of assembly
Pygoscelis_adeliae.RepeatMasker.out.gz  -  repeat masker results
Pygoscelis_adeliae.cds.gz  -  coding sequence predictions on genome assembly
Pygoscelis_adeliae.scaf.fa.gz  -  
Pygoscelis_adeliae.pep.gz  -  peptide translations of CDS predictions

All files and data are distributed under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public
Domain Dedication (, unless
specifically stated otherwise, see for more details.



Done with creating the README file for 100006. The README file is saved in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/readme-100006.txt

All postUpload logs have been moved to: /home/ken/uploadDir

PostUpload jobs done!
[ken@ip-10-99-0-147 ~]$ 
rija commented 7 months ago

TODO: 1) Test on bastion using a more recent dataset spreadsheet 2) whatever the outcome, going forward, the MD5 Checksum file will be uploaded to Wasabi (manually for now) to avoid issuer CNGB FTP server, which means the postUpload script will need a change to look for the MD5 files on Wasabi

kencho51 commented 7 months ago
  1. Test on bastion using a more recent dataset spreadsheet

In production staging

 % ssh -i output/privkeys- ken@
Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket

Last login: Mon Feb  5 04:03:43 2024 from
[ken@ip-10-99-0-147 ~]$ ls
[ken@ip-10-99-0-147 ~]$ sudo /home/centos/ 102487

* About to update files' size for 102487
nb. changes: 6

Done with updating files' size for 102487. Nb of successful changes saved in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/updating-file-size-102487.txt

* About to check that file urls are valid for 102487
| URL | Issue |

Done with checking that file urls are valid for 102487. Invalid Urls (if any) are save in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/invalid-urls-102487.txt

* About to update files' MD5 Checksum as file attribute for 102487
No file found at
No file found at
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 674793
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 674794
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 674795
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 674796
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 674797
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 674836

Done with updating files' MD5 Checksum as file attribute for 102487. Process status is saved in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/updating-md5checksum-102487.txt

* About to create the README file for 102487
[DOI] 10.5524/102487

[Title] Supporting data for "ToxCodAn-Genome: an automated pipeline for
toxin-gene annotation in genome assembly of venomous lineages"

[Release Date] 2023-12-14

[Citation] Durham, AM; Nachtigall, PG; Rokyta, DR; Junqueira-de-Azevedo, IL
(2023): Supporting data for "ToxCodAn-Genome: an automated pipeline for
toxin-gene annotation in genome assembly of venomous lineages" GigaScience

[Data Type] Software,Genomic

[Data Summary] The rapid development of sequencing technologies resulted in a
wide expansion of genomics studies using venomous lineages. This facilitated
research focusing on understanding the evolution of adaptive traits and the
search for novel compounds that can be applied in agriculture and medicine.
However, the toxin annotation of genomes is a laborious and time-consuming task,
and no consensus pipeline is currently available. No computational tool
currently exists to address the challenges specific to toxin annotation and to
ensure the reproducibility of the process. Here, we present ToxCodAn-Genome, the
first software designed to perform automated toxin annotation in genomes of
venomous lineages. This pipeline was designed to retrieve the full-length coding
sequences of toxins and to allow the detection of novel truncated paralogs and
pseudogenes. We tested ToxCodAn-Genome using 12 genomes of venomous lineages and
achieved high performance on recovering their current toxin annotations. This
tool can be easily customized to allow improvements in the final toxin
annotation set and can be expanded to virtually any venomous lineage.
ToxCodAn-Genome is fast, allowing it to run on any personal computer, but it can
also be executed in multi-core mode, taking advantage of large high-performance
servers. In addition, we provide a guide to direct future research in the
venomics field to ensure a confident toxin annotation in the genome being
studied. As a case study, we sequenced and annotated the toxin repertoire of
<i>Bothrops alternatus</i>, which may facilitate future evolutionary and
biomedical studies using vipers as models.ToxCodAn-Genome and the guide are
freely available at <a href=""

[File Location]

[File name] - [File Description]
readme_102487.txt  -  -  Archival copy of the GitHub repository downloaded 01-Dec-2023. ToxCodAn - a computational tool designed to detect and annotate toxin genes in transcriptome assembly. This project is licensed under the GPL3.0 license. Please refer to the GitHub repository for most recent updates.  -  Archival copy of the GitHub repository downloaded 01-Dec-2023. ToxCodAn-Genome - a computational tool designed to annotate toxin genes in genomes of venomous lineages. This project is licensed under the GPL3.0 license. Please refer to the GitHub repository for most recent updates.
CTL_alphabeta_ALIGNED.fasta.contree  -  Phylogenetic tree file used for phylogenetic analysis.
CTL_alphabeta_ALIGNED.fasta  -  Multiple-sequence alignment file used for phylogenetic analysis.  -  Archival copy of the GitHub repository downloaded 01-Dec-2023. ToxcodanGenomeFigures - repository containing the input files and code to generate the figures in ToxCodAn-Genome manuscript. This project is licensed under the GPL3.0 license. Please refer to the GitHub repository for most recent updates.

All files and data are distributed under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public
Domain Dedication (, unless
specifically stated otherwise, see for more details.



Done with creating the README file for 102487. The README file is saved in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/readme-102487.txt

All postUpload logs have been moved to: /home/ken/uploadDir

PostUpload jobs done!
[ken@ip-10-99-0-147 ~]$ 

In production live

% ssh -i output/privkeys- ken@
Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket

Last login: Tue Feb  6 02:02:24 2024 from
[ken@ip-10-99-0-90 ~]$ ls
[ken@ip-10-99-0-90 ~]$ sudo /home/centos/ 102487

* About to update files' size for 102487
Exception 'yii\db\Exception' with message 'SQLSTATE[08006] [7] timeout expired'

in /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php:648

Error Info:
    [0] => 08006
    [1] => 7
    [2] => timeout expired

Caused by: Exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[08006] [7] timeout expired'

in /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php:722

Stack trace:
#0 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(722): PDO->__construct('pgsql:host=rds-...', 'gigadb', Object(SensitiveParameterValue), NULL)
#1 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(637): yii\db\Connection->createPdoInstance()
#2 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1067): yii\db\Connection->open()
#3 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1054): yii\db\Connection->getMasterPdo()
#4 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(461): yii\db\Connection->getSlavePdo()
#5 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(946): yii\db\Schema->quoteValue('102487')
#6 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(211): yii\db\Connection->quoteValue('102487')
#7 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1126): yii\db\Command->getRawSql()
#8 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1147): yii\db\Command->logQuery('yii\\db\\Command:...')
#9 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(424): yii\db\Command->queryInternal('fetch', NULL)
#10 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Query.php(287): yii\db\Command->queryOne()
#11 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/ActiveQuery.php(304): yii\db\Query->one(NULL)
#12 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/components/DatasetFilesUpdater.php(50): yii\db\ActiveQuery->one()
#13 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/controllers/UpdateController.php(35): app\components\DatasetFilesUpdater->updateFileSize()
#14 [internal function]: app\controllers\UpdateController->actionFileSize()
#15 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/InlineAction.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#16 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Controller.php(178): yii\base\InlineAction->runWithParams(Array)
#17 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Controller.php(180): yii\base\Controller->runAction('file-size', Array)
#18 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php(552): yii\console\Controller->runAction('file-size', Array)
#19 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(180): yii\base\Module->runAction('update/file-siz...', Array)
#20 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(147): yii\console\Application->runAction('update/file-siz...', Array)
#21 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Application.php(384): yii\console\Application->handleRequest(Object(yii\console\Request))
#22 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/yii(20): yii\base\Application->run()
#23 {main}

Done with updating files' size for 102487. Nb of successful changes saved in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/updating-file-size-102487.txt

* About to check that file urls are valid for 102487
Exception 'yii\db\Exception' with message 'SQLSTATE[08006] [7] timeout expired'

in /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php:648

Error Info:
    [0] => 08006
    [1] => 7
    [2] => timeout expired

Caused by: Exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[08006] [7] timeout expired'

in /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php:722

Stack trace:
#0 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(722): PDO->__construct('pgsql:host=rds-...', 'gigadb', Object(SensitiveParameterValue), NULL)
#1 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(637): yii\db\Connection->createPdoInstance()
#2 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1067): yii\db\Connection->open()
#3 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1054): yii\db\Connection->getMasterPdo()
#4 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(461): yii\db\Connection->getSlavePdo()
#5 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(946): yii\db\Schema->quoteValue('102487')
#6 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(211): yii\db\Connection->quoteValue('102487')
#7 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1126): yii\db\Command->getRawSql()
#8 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1147): yii\db\Command->logQuery('yii\\db\\Command:...')
#9 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(424): yii\db\Command->queryInternal('fetch', NULL)
#10 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Query.php(287): yii\db\Command->queryOne()
#11 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/ActiveQuery.php(304): yii\db\Query->one(NULL)
#12 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/components/FilesURLsFetcher.php(35): yii\db\ActiveQuery->one()
#13 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/controllers/CheckController.php(37): app\components\FilesURLsFetcher->verifyURLs()
#14 [internal function]: app\controllers\CheckController->actionValidUrls()
#15 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/InlineAction.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#16 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Controller.php(178): yii\base\InlineAction->runWithParams(Array)
#17 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Controller.php(180): yii\base\Controller->runAction('valid-urls', Array)
#18 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php(552): yii\console\Controller->runAction('valid-urls', Array)
#19 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(180): yii\base\Module->runAction('check/valid-url...', Array)
#20 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(147): yii\console\Application->runAction('check/valid-url...', Array)
#21 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Application.php(384): yii\console\Application->handleRequest(Object(yii\console\Request))
#22 /gigadb/app/tools/files-metadata-console/yii(20): yii\base\Application->run()
#23 {main}

Done with checking that file urls are valid for 102487. Invalid Urls (if any) are save in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/invalid-urls-102487.txt

* About to update files' MD5 Checksum as file attribute for 102487
No file found at
No file found at
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 674793
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 674794
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 674795
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 674796
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 674797
Saved md5 file attribute with id: 674836

Done with updating files' MD5 Checksum as file attribute for 102487. Process status is saved in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/updating-md5checksum-102487.txt

* About to create the README file for 102487
[DOI] 10.5524/102487

[Title] Supporting data for "ToxCodAn-Genome: an automated pipeline for
toxin-gene annotation in genome assembly of venomous lineages"

[Release Date] 2023-12-14

[Citation] Durham, AM; Nachtigall, PG; Rokyta, DR; Junqueira-de-Azevedo, IL
(2023): Supporting data for "ToxCodAn-Genome: an automated pipeline for
toxin-gene annotation in genome assembly of venomous lineages" GigaScience

[Data Type] Software,Genomic

[Data Summary] The rapid development of sequencing technologies resulted in a
wide expansion of genomics studies using venomous lineages. This facilitated
research focusing on understanding the evolution of adaptive traits and the
search for novel compounds that can be applied in agriculture and medicine.
However, the toxin annotation of genomes is a laborious and time-consuming task,
and no consensus pipeline is currently available. No computational tool
currently exists to address the challenges specific to toxin annotation and to
ensure the reproducibility of the process. Here, we present ToxCodAn-Genome, the
first software designed to perform automated toxin annotation in genomes of
venomous lineages. This pipeline was designed to retrieve the full-length coding
sequences of toxins and to allow the detection of novel truncated paralogs and
pseudogenes. We tested ToxCodAn-Genome using 12 genomes of venomous lineages and
achieved high performance on recovering their current toxin annotations. This
tool can be easily customized to allow improvements in the final toxin
annotation set and can be expanded to virtually any venomous lineage.
ToxCodAn-Genome is fast, allowing it to run on any personal computer, but it can
also be executed in multi-core mode, taking advantage of large high-performance
servers. In addition, we provide a guide to direct future research in the
venomics field to ensure a confident toxin annotation in the genome being
studied. As a case study, we sequenced and annotated the toxin repertoire of
<i>Bothrops alternatus</i>, which may facilitate future evolutionary and
biomedical studies using vipers as models.ToxCodAn-Genome and the guide are
freely available at <a href=""

[File Location]

[File name] - [File Description]  -  Archival copy of the GitHub repository downloaded 01-Dec-2023. ToxcodanGenomeFigures - repository containing the input files and code to generate the figures in ToxCodAn-Genome manuscript. This project is licensed under the GPL3.0 license. Please refer to the GitHub repository for most recent updates.
CTL_alphabeta_ALIGNED.fasta  -  Multiple-sequence alignment file used for phylogenetic analysis.  -  Archival copy of the GitHub repository downloaded 01-Dec-2023. ToxCodAn-Genome - a computational tool designed to annotate toxin genes in genomes of venomous lineages. This project is licensed under the GPL3.0 license. Please refer to the GitHub repository for most recent updates.
readme_102487.txt  -  
CTL_alphabeta_ALIGNED.fasta.contree  -  Phylogenetic tree file used for phylogenetic analysis.  -  Archival copy of the GitHub repository downloaded 01-Dec-2023. ToxCodAn - a computational tool designed to detect and annotate toxin genes in transcriptome assembly. This project is licensed under the GPL3.0 license. Please refer to the GitHub repository for most recent updates.

All files and data are distributed under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public
Domain Dedication (, unless
specifically stated otherwise, see for more details.



Done with creating the README file for 102487. The README file is saved in file: /home/centos/uploadLogs/readme-102487.txt

All postUpload logs have been moved to: /home/ken/uploadDir

PostUpload jobs done!
[ken@ip-10-99-0-90 ~]$ 
pli888 commented 6 months ago

This script uses docker-compose run --rm tool /app/yii readme/create --doi "$DOI" | tee "$outputDir/readme-$DOI.txt" to create readme files but does not upload them to Wasabi.

To create readme files and upload them to Wasabi, we need to use:

$ ./ --doi 100142 --outdir /app/readmeFiles --wasabi --use-live-data --apply
pli888 commented 6 months ago

@rija @only1chunts As well as creating readme files, other functionalities that this script performs are:

  1. Update md5 file attribute values
  2. Check for broken dataset file URLs
  3. Update file sizes

All three functionalities currently rely on dataset files and the doi.md5 file being located in GigaDB's public dataset directories. Therefore, this script only works when a dataset is published and has been made public.

We can update md5 file attributes before dataset publication if I have access to the doi.md5 file. The other two functionalities require dataset files to be made public.

The difficulties that have been previously observed when checking for broken dataset file URLs and updating file sizes using may be related to the present file locations. Once files are moved to Wasabi then less likely these problems will occur.