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Source code for running GigaDB
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Access Tencent COS service to backup GigaDB datasets #1903

Open pli888 opened 4 weeks ago

pli888 commented 4 weeks ago

User story

As a site administrator I want to interact with the Tencent Cloud Object Storage API So that I can manage the backup of GigaDB datasets

Acceptance criteria

Given there are new GigaDB datasets that are not backed up When I use the credentials for the Tencent GigaDB backup user to access the Tencent Cloud Object Storage API on the live bastion server Then I can backup the new GigaDB datasets

Additional Info

We can also access Tencent Cloud Object Storage via rclone.

Product Backlog Item Ready Checklist

Product Backlog Item Done Checklist

pli888 commented 3 weeks ago

We have been advised to use another backup service. Ask @pli888 for details.