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Setup on the alternative bastion (``) a daily `rclone sync` job for keeping user dropboxes in sync between live and alternative #2000

Open rija opened 3 months ago

rija commented 3 months ago

 User Story

As a curator I want to ensure the user dropboxes area is backed up So that I have piece of mind when I work on files on the dropboxes

Acceptance criteria

Given there is a dataset being curated When there are new files added then the backup should have the new files

Given there is a dataset being curated When there are new files modified then the backup should have the updated files

Given there is a dataset being curated When files are deleted from the user dropbox by the curators then the backup should also delete the files

Additional infos


rija commented 3 months ago

Hi @pli888, @kencho51,

the command I used to do the manual sync:

$ rclone --config rclone_upstream.conf -v  sync live-bastion:/share/dropbox/ /share/dropbox/

and the config used for it, rclone_upstream.conf looks like this:

type = sftp
host =
user = centos
key_file = /home/centos/.ssh/upstream_from_alt-live
shell_type = unix
md5sum_command = md5sum
sha1sum_command = sha1sum

The public part of that ssh key was manually added to the current production bastion's authorized_key file.

I'll update the various tasks with more details based on the above.