As a curator
I want to bring up the information from ORCID about an author
So that I can decide where is the correct information, in either author entries I want to merge, or on ORCID,
and I can select the value I think it's the correct one
Acceptance criteria
Given conditions
When event
Then outcome
Given conditions
When event
Then outcome
Additional Info
Product Backlog Item Ready Checklist
[ ] Business value is clearly articulated
[ ] Item is understood enough by the IT team so it can make an informed decision as to whether it can complete this item
[ ] Dependencies are identified and no external dependencies would block this item from being completed
[ ] At the time of the scheduled sprint, the IT team has the appropriate composition to complete this item
[ ] This item is estimated and small enough to comfortably be completed in one sprint
[ ] Acceptance criteria are clear and testable
[ ] Performance criteria, if any, are defined and testable
[ ] The Scrum team understands how to demonstrate this item at the sprint review
Product Backlog Item Done Checklist
[ ] Item(s) in increment pass all Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Code is refactored to best practices and coding standards
[ ] Documentation is updated as needed
[ ] Data security has not been compromised (with particular reference to the personal information we hold in GigaDB)
[ ] No deviation from the team technology stack and software architecture has been introduced
[ ] The product is in a releasable state (i.e. the increment has not broken anything)
User story
Acceptance criteria
Additional Info
Product Backlog Item Ready Checklist
Product Backlog Item Done Checklist