As a editor/curator/Giga staff
I want to be able to create blog posts and have them published online at our usual blog site :
So that we can continue to publish blogs more easily
Acceptance criteria
Given I want to write a blog
When I try to write the blog online
Then I can log onto a publishing site, write my blog and publish it
Given I am travelling and my IP address is never static
When I want to log into our blog publishing site
Then I can, without having to get IT to white list my IP address.
Given a member of Gigascience wants to write a blog post
When they navigate to the blog dashboard
Then can log in
And they can create a post
And they can publish their post
Given we have blogs being publishing publicly at
When I access the analytics for our blog system
Then I can see web traffic stats and usage data
Additional Info
The basic criteria are to have a stable and secure blog publishing platform.
Additionally we need to be able to have multiple members of staff to be able to log in to write and edit blogs. They may be travelling, so having security that is not based on a white list of IP addresses will also be required.
Our blog posts are also given DOI's via rougescholar, so that integration would be nice to keep if possible.
Finally, having some sort of metrics of how many times a blog is opened, read or cited would be a nice to have.
NOTE - This has been added to the GigaDB Backlog Project, but its not strictly GigaDB, so maybe there is a better project to add this to?
Consider using managed service
Migrate DNS of to using Cloudflare too.
Product Backlog Item Ready Checklist
[ ] Business value is clearly articulated
[ ] Item is understood enough by the IT team so it can make an informed decision as to whether it can complete this item
[ ] Dependencies are identified and no external dependencies would block this item from being completed
[ ] At the time of the scheduled sprint, the IT team has the appropriate composition to complete this item
[ ] This item is estimated and small enough to comfortably be completed in one sprint
[ ] Acceptance criteria are clear and testable
[ ] Performance criteria, if any, are defined and testable
[ ] The Scrum team understands how to demonstrate this item at the sprint review
Product Backlog Item Done Checklist
[ ] Item(s) in increment pass all Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Code is refactored to best practices and coding standards
[ ] Documentation is updated as needed
[ ] Data security has not been compromised (with particular reference to the personal information we hold in GigaDB)
[ ] No deviation from the team technology stack and software architecture has been introduced
[ ] The product is in a releasable state (i.e. the increment has not broken anything)
User story
Acceptance criteria
Additional Info
The basic criteria are to have a stable and secure blog publishing platform. Additionally we need to be able to have multiple members of staff to be able to log in to write and edit blogs. They may be travelling, so having security that is not based on a white list of IP addresses will also be required.
Our blog posts are also given DOI's via rougescholar, so that integration would be nice to keep if possible.
Finally, having some sort of metrics of how many times a blog is opened, read or cited would be a nice to have.
NOTE - This has been added to the GigaDB Backlog Project, but its not strictly GigaDB, so maybe there is a better project to add this to?
Consider using managed service Migrate DNS of to using Cloudflare too.
Product Backlog Item Ready Checklist
Product Backlog Item Done Checklist