gigascience / gigadb-website

Source code for running GigaDB
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Understanding styling and layout in GigaDB #498

Closed pli888 closed 5 months ago

pli888 commented 4 years ago

There are two layouts being used in GigaDB:

Current green layout Previous grey layout
current_gigadb old_gigadb

These layouts are being generated by CSS files (some via less files) and Yii view classes:

CSS files

CSS file Version Referenced In Function
jquery-ui.css 1.12.1 new_main.php Current green layout
bootstrap.min.css 3.3.7 new_main.php Current green layout
font-awesome.min.css 4.7.0 new_main.php Current green layout
open_sans.css 13 new_main.php Current green layout
pt_sans.css 8 new_main.php Current green layout
lato.css 11 new_main.php Current green layout
datatables.css Not known new_dataset.php Current green layout
common.css Not known views/layouts/new_datasetpage.php, views/layouts/new_faq.php, views/layouts/new_main.php Current green layout
site.css* Not known views/layouts/datasetpage.php, views/layouts/main.php Previous grey layout
chosen.min.css 1.3.0 views/report/index.php For displaying Google Analytics data
jquery.tag-editor.css Not known datasetSubmission/create1.php, adminDataset/_form.php, datasetSubmission/_form1.php For editing tags in WL submission wizard
pager.css 1.0? SiteLinkPager.php For pagination in dataset pages

*This file is created from site.less using lesscompilercommand in script which is executed by docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.staging.yml.

Less files

Less file Function
bootstrap/*.less Less files for Bootstrap (3?)
about.less About page?
admindataset.less Dataset pages?
datasetupdate.less Dataset update pages?
globals.less General variables, e.g. font type, button colours
pagesetting.less Not known
site.less General site CSS rules
thumbnailSlider.less CSS rules for carousel in old grey layout
updatelog.less CSS rules for dataset log pages?
userprofile.less CSS rules for user profile page?

Files in views/layouts directory

File Function Used By URL
column1.php One-column layout, no sidebar protected/components/Controller.php /adminDataset/admin, /adminDataset/create
column2.php Two-column layout, has sidebar Many Controller classes in protected/controllers directory /adminDatasetAuthor/admin, /adminDatasetAuthor/create, /adminDatasetAuthor/view/id/251, /adminDatasetAuthor/update/id/251, /adminPublisher/admin, /adminPublisher/create
datasetpage.php views/layouts/column2.php /adminDatasetAuthor/admin, /adminDatasetAuthor/create, /adminDatasetAuthor/view/id/251, /adminDatasetAuthor/update/id/251, /adminPublisher/admin, /adminPublisher/create
main.php Contains header, footer, other common components column1.php /site/admin, /adminDataset/admin, /adminDataset/create, /user/admin
new_column1.php One-column layout, no sidebar Not used?
new_column2.php Two-column layout, has sidebar DatasetController /dataset/100142
new_datasetpage.php new_column2.php /dataset/100142
new_faq.php SiteController.php in actionFaq() /site/faq
new_main.php DatasetSubmissionController in actionChoose(), SearchController in actionNew(), SiteController in actionIndex(), actionGuide(), actionGuidegenomic(), actionGuideimaging(), actionGuidemetabolomic(), actionGuideepigenomic(), actionGuidemetagenomic(), actionGuidesoftware(), actionContact(), actionMapbrowse(), actionTeam(), actionAbout(), actionAdvisory(), actionTerm(), actionHelp(), UserController in actionLogin(), actionCreate(), actionView_Profile(), actionChangePassword; new_column1.php /site/index, /site/about, /site/team, /site/contact, /site/advisory, /site/help, /site/guide, /site/term, /user/view_profile, /site/mapbrowse

The views that uses column2.php can also use column1.php without any change is layout as there is nothing in sidebar.

rija commented 4 years ago

thanks @pli888,

This is quite enlightening. I wonder if it's also worth tracking here the versions of CSS libraries being in use curently on develop, because I have advanced the version (minor revision only) on my branch for at least Bootstrap (and use CDN distribution rather than the one copied within the codebase).

pli888 commented 3 years ago


This is quite enlightening. I wonder if it's also worth tracking here the versions of CSS libraries being in use curently on develop, because I have advanced the version (minor revision only) on my branch for at least Bootstrap (and use CDN distribution rather than the one copied within the codebase).

I've added, where available, the version numbers for the CSS libraries to the above table.

I have also found out that the GigaDB website was created using version 1.6 of the Unify bootstrap-based responsive template. Documentation about the Unify template can be downloaded here.

rija commented 3 years ago

Hi @pli888,

I've looked at the Unify theme's code. I then searched for Unify code snippets in GigaDB codebase and found nothing. My guess is that some selectors and values that renders the Unifiy look-and-feel were replicated by hand in GigaDB. I can definitely see a resemblance between Unify and GigaDB look on public pages. There is some organisation in the Unify CSS files. None of it is replicated in GigaDB organisation of the CSS files though.

The original organisation of GigaDB's CSS uses a build pipeline for CSS based on LESS, not perfect but it made a good foundation. The CSS codebase has become a mess when some major changes were done that bypassed the CSS build pipeline (which is how common.css might have come to existence and me adding datatables.css didn't help setting a good example).

The benefit of a build pipeline for CSS are numerous:

So our strategy for resolving the CSS issue should probably have a build pipeline as backbone.

With that in mind, it would probably be a good idea to also list on this issue the LESS files from the less/ directory as you did for the CSS files: There are still in use, are domain named, and some of them were added post initial introduction (by me).

When both tables are established, it will be easier to see that most files in the css/ directory that are not auto-generated are actually associated with third party libraries/frameworks (the exception being common.css and datatables.css) while domain related stylesheets are located in the less/ directory.

I have read the SMACSS book, and I found the advices and guidelines very sound and practical. It matches good practices I've seen elsewhere. I think there's great benefit in using it as foundation for our coding guideline for CSS (because there are still too many directions we could go from the book, we should come up with our own guidelines built upon it but more narrow focused, domain and technology specific).

I found the book's content to complement the last three sections (Module and program/Consistent layouts/Establish patterns) of chapter 8 of Web Style Guide (Patrick J. Lynch and Sarah Horton, Harvard Press) in which they highlight the importance of developing our own pattern library. Here are the benefits they list (quoting the book):

The one page pattern library would be the example part of a CSS coding guidelines.

Here's a suggested step by step approach toward resolution of the CSS situation:

  1. Remove common.css and datatable.css, and see what breaks on the current site from develop branch. Then, one by one, fix the CSS by creating the files in the less directory and add there the selectors that would fix a breakage, using SMACSS and Bootstrap documentation (and maybe Unify) as guides (creating new files instead of using existing ones, later it would be easier to remove the old ones).
  2. Start a rudimentary pattern library by concatenating the components from the major sections of the web site into one single web page. The page has to be dynamic and has to pull the CSS and javascript the same way we want to do on normal pages. Make sure there's no CSS or JS error on that page.
  3. Write an automated functional test that check CSS/JS error on the pattern library
  4. Merge back to develop
  5. Start authoring new CSS rules as needed on our feature branch (Submission Wizard, File Upload Wizard,...) in LESS, trying to adhere to convention from the steps above and adding the never-seen-before-in-Gigadb HTML/CSS/JS snippets to the pattern library and ensure the page still works.
  6. Start first version of codified guidelines to go with the pattern library based on the experience above and SMACSS section on code formatting and rules categorisation.

The above doesn't have to be perfect immediately, it just has to work good enough. We can always refine later as the process, conventions and starting from a good foundation are the most important.

Things that, IMHO, do not require immediate decision and can be left for later after the fire is extinguished:

Let me know your views on all this.

pli888 commented 3 years ago

@rija I have broken down common.css into groups of new less files. You can view these on my fork. This is work in progress but obviously the set of less files need to be cleaned and refined.

I have started work on a pattern library for GigaDB using this tool. With the code in the fix-css-less branch of my fork, you can view the pattern library at At the moment, I have only listed the colours which are used in common.css.

pli888 commented 3 years ago

The pattern library is now available on staging server.

Diagrams showing how components in the pattern library are organised in web pages are available here.

only1chunts commented 5 months ago

clsoing this as luis has now fixed these styling issues.