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Add the metadata schema on dataset page to allow Hypothesis to parse citation DOI #85

Open only1chunts opened 7 years ago

only1chunts commented 7 years ago

User Story

As a researcher I want the Hypothesis annotation tool to recognise a GigaDB dataset page url as an alias of its DOI So that I can correctly cite it irrespective of which website it appears on or I annotate from

Acceptance Criteria

Given I am not logged in to Gigadb web site When I go to the primary dataset url "/dataset/100002" And I view the page source Then I can see a meta-tag for a citation DOI predicate with value "10.5524/100002"

Given I am not logged in to Gigadb web site When I go to the url "/dataset/view/id/100002/File_sort/date_stamp" And I view the page source Then I can see a meta-tag for a citation DOI predicate with value "10.5524/100002"

Additional Info

This could be done in conjunction with #73 as its a related concept.

Following an email discussion with Jon Udell at we should include an additional flag in the HTML code of dataset pages to inform machines about the connection between the webpage and the DOI.

Hi Chris, Here is the short answer: I think pages like should include statements like:

How we use that metadata to alias documents is a mechanism that has changed, and will likely change again. But informing Hypothesis about the DOI of each GigaDB page is a good way to futureproof your namespace. Regards, Jon

For example see the source code for this article: view-source: among all that extra metadata included in it, is this line:

Product Backlog Item Ready Checklist

Product Backlog Item Done Checklist

only1chunts commented 4 years ago

I cant find the email from Jon Udell, but there is a hypothesis help page describing the issue:

only1chunts commented 4 years ago

I just found this comment from @jessesiu in my emails:

The example from Jon Udell, if you view the source code in the , it seems they used the Dublin Core schema, OGP Schema (enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph) and add some extra information e.g. citations.

From the hypothesis suggestion page, it mentions the rel attribute for the page interacts with other pages and dc.identifier DOI. We can discuss which kind of information we need to add, do we use the DC schema or any others, Can we add OGP, Twitter Cards and ( to allow social discovery.

Thanks, Jesse

pli888 commented 4 years ago

@ScottBGI says:

I think the social media discovery (OGP and twitter) is a nice optional add on if its easy to integrate, but the priority are the structured schemas for discovery/ Talking to Carole last week it seems bioschemas is progressing, and Chris Gorgolewski from OpenNeuro/Stanford has just joined google to work on it and should push it forward very fast. So my preference would be to prioritise their schema for datasets and data repositories:

You guys should decide what you think is the best way to go though.

ScottBGI commented 4 years ago

Google have upgraded their structured data test tool to a broader rich results test:

Looking at GigaDB pages it doesn't recognise the front page, and for the individual entries it recognises these are datasets but has picked up a few errors. e.g. for the machado entry:

It says 'Not all markup is eligible for rich results" and flags one error and two warnings:

Invalid object type for field 'license' Invalid value type for field 'license' (optional)

And under license/distribution it says:

Missing field 'encodingFormat' (optional)

I don't know if this is an easy thing to fix/improve, but thought I'd flag it. They've got a nice guide on datasets here:



only1chunts commented 3 years ago

The change of ticket title is in response to the suggestion from @rija to tightening the scope of this ticket to be just the addition of metadata tags to allow Hypothesis to correctly track comments within pages and sub-pages.

rija commented 3 years ago

User story

Here's a user story:

As a researcher
I want the Hypothesis annotation tool to recognise a GigaDB dataset page url as an alias of its DOI
So that I can correctly cite it irrespective of which website it appears on or I annotate from



There are two ways to implement this, using Highwire Press Tags or using the Dublin Core Metadata. The former, Highwire Press Tags, is preferred for this particular task for two reasons:

The Hypothesis help page linked in previous comment details the syntax to use for Highwire Press Tags and has this example:

<meta name="citation_doi" content="10.1016/j.ajhg.2017.02.007">

How to test, how do we know we're done:


Feature: Add the metadata schema on dataset page to allow Hypothesis to parse citation DOI
As a researcher
I want the Hypothesis annotation tool to recognise a GigaDB dataset page url as an alias of its DOI
So that I can correctly cite it irrespective of which website it appears on or I annotate from

Given I am not logged in to Gigadb web site
When I go to "/dataset/100002"
And I view the page source
Then I can see a meta-tag for a citation DOI predicate with value "10.5524/100002"

(please check you're happy with this acceptance test @only1chunts)

(it's provisional, it may vary slightly to cater for implementation constraints or formatting)

rija commented 2 years ago

Closing as it's working on

only1chunts commented 1 year ago

This work does not appear to have been deployed to ? please check