giginet / Scipio

A new build tool to generate XCFramework
MIT License
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Installation Guide for newbies #77

Closed prathumca closed 9 months ago

prathumca commented 10 months ago

I would like to understand how to install scipio on the mac. Though provides great insights how to use but it lacks the support how to integrate it with any project. Any help greatly appreciated.

prathumca commented 10 months ago

For any newbies looking for installation guide, here are steps:

  1. Download or clone the Scipio to your computer and unzip it.
  2. Now open terminal and cd to the Scipio folder, for e.x: cd /Users/itsme/Desktop/Scipio-0.15.0
  3. Now run swift build
  4. Once the build is completed you see a hidden folder .build on the current directory. Ensure that on your mac hidden folders are enabled/shown.
  5. Navigate to .build/arm64-apple-macosx/debug and find scipio executable.
  6. Copy the scipio to/usr/local/bin
  7. Bingo you are ready to use `scipio' on your mac.

Note: This is done silicon mac, for intel based the for path of `scipio' might be at a different location.

giginet commented 10 months ago

@prathumca Thank you for your interesting in this project!

As you said, some feature doesn't have much guidance. I'm going to release a major version by September. So I've planned to provide DocC. Could you wait a moment?

giginet commented 9 months ago

Hi. I added the installation guide.