giginet / xcprofiler

:chart_with_upwards_trend: CLI to profile compilation time of Swift project
MIT License
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Add --per-file option #30

Open r-plus opened 6 years ago

r-plus commented 6 years ago

hi @giginet

I want to add --per-file option to sum time per file. It is useful to know total compile time for file is reduced when if we refactoring single function to split some small functions.



$ ./bin/xcprofiler spec/fixtures/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxx/Logs/Build/valid.xcactivitylog -l 5 -t 20
| File                     | Line | Method name          | Time(ms) |
| Interaction.swift        | 17   | get {}               | 69.9     |
| Matcher.swift            | 7    | get {}               | 68.9     |
| InteractionBuilder.swift | 87   | func clean()         | 49.8     |
| Session.swift            | 74   | public func run(c... | 49.6     |
| Session.swift            | 65   | @discardableResul... | 28.3     |


$ ./bin/xcprofiler spec/fixtures/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxx/Logs/Build/valid.xcactivitylog -l 5 -t 20 --per-file
| File                     | Line | Method name | Time(ms) |
| Session.swift            | 0    |             | 83.4     |
| InteractionBuilder.swift | 0    |             | 81.5     |
| Interaction.swift        | 0    |             | 73.5     |
| Matcher.swift            | 0    |             | 70.9     |
| ServiceClient.swift      | 0    |             | 66.8     |


r-plus commented 6 years ago

oops, should I support Ruby 2.3 to pass CI? (Enumerable#sum method is added since 2.4.)

or drop support 2.3 and add 2.5 to CI matrix to support latest 2 minor versions of Ruby.

giginet commented 6 years ago

oops, should I support Ruby 2.3 to pass CI?

Yes. Because default Ruby on macOS is still Ruby 2.3...

I recommend you to use just call reduce instead of sum.
r-plus commented 6 years ago

okey, I understand support policy for this project. and thanks for your suggestion to do it, I'll fix it.

r-plus commented 6 years ago

Fixed to support Ruby 2.3. @giginet Could you review it?