giginet / xcprofiler

:chart_with_upwards_trend: CLI to profile compilation time of Swift project
MIT License
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Fixed not working --output option #31

Closed r-plus closed 6 years ago

r-plus commented 6 years ago

Fixed --output option is not working correctly. --output option passed as output option, but JSONReporter required output_path option.

This is not breaking change to users that using JSONReporter from ruby. I also make breaking change version of branch that rename to output from output_path which do you like?

$ ./bin/xcprofiler spec/fixtures/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxx/Logs/Build/valid.xcactivitylog -l 1 -t 10 --output hoge.json
| File              | Line | Method name | Time(ms) |
| Interaction.swift | 17   | get {}      | 69.9     |
[JSONReporter] output_path is not specified