giginet / xcprofiler

:chart_with_upwards_trend: CLI to profile compilation time of Swift project
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Getting Unexpected end of file exception with xcprofiler on Jenkins CI #34

Open atreyd opened 3 years ago

atreyd commented 3 years ago

We have integrated xcprofiler in standard Jenkins declarative pipeline. We are using xcprofiler v0.6.3 with XCODE-12 on Jenkins CI.

The issue which we hit as a road blocker is the Unexpected end of file exception when xcprofiler command is executed with xcactivitylog path provided in DerivedData path.

Although the same version of xcprofiler and XCODE works on local and generating the output.

The only difference between local and Jenkins is we are running build using fastlane on Jenkins whereas using XCODE build options on local.

I have verified the xcactivitylog file is created under DerivedData path on Jenkins but xcprofiler is not able to generate the report.

Any leads would be appreciated.