gigo-team / bev_lane_det

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Evaluation on Apollo #29

Open 3d-splinenet opened 7 months ago

3d-splinenet commented 7 months ago

In the original evaluation scheme of the Apollo Synthetic dataset, ground truth lanes are considered in the lateral (x-) range [-30 m, 30 m]. In the paper I only found that the final grid size used for both datasets is [-10 m, 10 m] lateral and [3 m, 103 m] longitudinal. To my understanding there should be no key-points to represent lanes in the range [-30 m, -10 m] and [10 m, 30 m], but still the detection scores are pretty high and far-range errors fairly low. How is this possible? Was the grid size enlarged for Apollo or was the Apollo evaluation scheme adapted with ground truth lanes being pruned to [-10 m, 10 m] lateral (as it is the case for OpenLane evaluation)?

shupinghu commented 1 month ago

Hello, I am a new researcher of 3D-BEV-LaneDet, could you please share the source code with me? My Email