gigobyte / purify

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Incorrect typing of #615

Closed LouisBoucquet closed 1 year ago

LouisBoucquet commented 1 year ago

I've found an issue with the typing of When returning a Promise<T> in de the map function typescript tells us that the new type is EitherAsync<Promise<T>>. But in actuality the type should be EitherAsync<T>, the Promise<T> gets unwrapped to T just like with a regular promise.then(...).


EitherAsync(() => Promise.resolve(null))
    .map(() => Promise.resolve('yeet'))
    .map(value => {
        // Typescript says this is a `Promise` but the promise actually gets unwrapped, so it is a `string` instead
        console.log(typeof value);

Current incorrect typing of map:

map<R2>(f: (value: R) => R2): EitherAsync<L, R2>;

Proposed correct typing of map:

map<R2>(f: (value: R) => R2): EitherAsync<L, R2 extends Promise<infer R2Unwrapped> ? R2Unwrapped : R2>;
gigobyte commented 1 year ago

Related runtime issue:

gigobyte commented 1 year ago

Fixed in v1.3.2