gil-- / gatsby-starter-shopify-app

[Experimental] ⚡️💰🏗Serverless Shopify App w/ Gatsby & Firebase
MIT License
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Not able to connect with firebase functions #15

Open roshandeorukhkar opened 5 years ago

roshandeorukhkar commented 5 years ago

I have deployed code as per gatsby guide lines. I am calling /auth end point for firebase auth() function. It is working fine on local with proxy(developMiddleware) but not able to connect on production. Please help.

roshandeorukhkar commented 5 years ago

gatsby-config.js file code ---

developMiddleware: app => { app.use( "/auth", proxy({ target: "http://localhost:5001", pathRewrite: { "/auth": /${FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID}/${FIREBASE_APP_ZONE || 'us-central1'}/auth, }, }) ) }

It is showing 404 error for /auth