Description: CockroachDB (sometimes shortened as CRDB) is a free and open source distributed SQL database built on a transactional and strongly-consistent key-value store. It is backed by PebbleDB (a RocksDB/LevelDB-inspired KV store) and uses the Raft distributed consensus algorithm to ensure consistency.
Link to the vector file, preferably from an official source: Only PNG is available on GitHub and their company site.
Name with link: CockroachDB
Description: CockroachDB (sometimes shortened as CRDB) is a free and open source distributed SQL database built on a transactional and strongly-consistent key-value store. It is backed by PebbleDB (a RocksDB/LevelDB-inspired KV store) and uses the Raft distributed consensus algorithm to ensure consistency.
Link to the vector file, preferably from an official source: Only PNG is available on GitHub and their company site.