gilbitron / Pico-Editor-Plugin

Provides an online Markdown editor and file manager for Pico.
MIT License
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Admin page 404 when pico is in subfolder #15

Open KokoDoko opened 10 years ago

KokoDoko commented 10 years ago

I am testing out Pico in a subfolder of my site The editor is not reachable at either or I have named the editor folder "pico_editor" inside the plugins folder.

w-vi commented 10 years ago

Strange as I've got it in subfolder as well and login works fine. Have you set the base_url in pico config correctly to ?

KokoDoko commented 9 years ago

Yes, the rest of the site and navigation is working from the sub folder. Only the admin tool isn't working.

juanbrujo commented 9 years ago

@KokoDoko first time it didn't worked either, double checked .htaccess and now it works fine.

make sure this plugin files are in plugins/pico_editor/ directory,

ekajogja commented 9 years ago

Hi, same issue here, leads to 404. Base url and folder name done. @juanbrujo can you tell us what we need to change in .htaccess ?

nisaea commented 9 years ago

Hello, bumping the thread cause I'm having the same 404 issue. Anyone knows what to change in the .htaccess?

juanbrujo commented 9 years ago

Sorry this was many months ago, so I don't have it anymore. I'll try to replicate it.

w-vi commented 9 years ago
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
DirectoryIndex index.php
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /~wvi/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d 
RewriteRule . index.php [L]

# Prevent file browsing
Options -Indexes

This is my htacces and I access the site by localhost/~wvi/ ... everything works fine. Don't know if this helps but the RewriteBase is the most important bit I think.

nisaea commented 9 years ago

Ok I had a supermassive facepalm moment there. In my httpd.conf I AllowOverride'd the wrong directory... Thank you very much for your help and the quick reply! (and sorry for being an idiot)