gildegoma / KarShare

Aim to be the 'cleanest' Web Framework to support your own local Personal (Peer2Peer) Car Sharing Community
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Web Frameworks Review for PoC #1

Closed gildegoma closed 12 years ago

gildegoma commented 13 years ago

Best Client-Side (JavaScript) Candidates:

|Feature/Aspect to consider|RoR|Symfony|Lift|Comment| |Easy deployment on cheap web hosting (anywhere)|Average|Good|Bad|PHP5 is everywhere| |i18n|not too bad|very good|?||

(why GitHub does not support Wiki Markdown tables... ? I have first to dig in

Related Stuff found on the way

gildegoma commented 13 years ago

Internet Popular Opinion


Rails 3.x Trends

Symfony 2.x Trends

Lift, Play, Wicket or Scala Trends

Symfony vs Rails

Jérémy Lecour said in late 2009

le plus grand handicap de Symfony, c’est PHP

... and I agree with him. Unfortunately this advice still applies for Symfony2 :-/

Gist for Comparing Rails 3 with Symfony2:

gildegoma commented 13 years ago

Current (personally oriented) conclusions:

Rails 3.1 Pros:

Symfony 2 Pros:

Open Questions:

Proposal for decision making: build a 2-days PoC with both candidates, then feedback experiences...

If I must decide today, I'd say: Rails!

gildegoma commented 12 years ago

Reading Seven languages in Seven weeks, I don't want to code in PHP (despite nice advantages of Symfony2, like nice community, nice design,...)

Now, I focus on Frameworks using Scala or Ruby

Ruby/Rails, Scala/Lift, but why not outsiders like Ruby/Merb or Scala/Play(2.0), Scala/Scalatra, Scala/Circumflex ?

gildegoma commented 12 years ago

Very important dev-stuff that I want to be available 'stable today and effortless' are:

gildegoma commented 12 years ago

Some of the Programming Environments supported by Heroku :

See also Programming Languages Trends:

gildegoma commented 12 years ago

Ouah, there are already lots more tools (as I thought) for Scala, see huge lists there :

gildegoma commented 12 years ago

Reviewed, Surveyed and waited enough:

The proposed stack for Alpha Development is therefore:

As methodology, I do want to investigate BDD practices (still have to study tools match for Scala, see cucumber, specs2, ScalaTest, Webrat/Selenium, ...)

Let's have fun and start coding!