gilesknap / gphotos-sync

Google Photos and Albums backup with Google Photos Library API
Apache License 2.0
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Many 404 client error while downloading #463

Open artifexor opened 6 months ago

artifexor commented 6 months ago

I am using 3.1.3 on Debian Bookworm and the download gives many different errors (403, 400 and mostly 404) while downloading the rest of gphotos is flawless. Any idea why these errors happened? I read issues here about other errors but because otherwise the downloading is fine I think this is not because of some traffic or request number limitation (for example "Downloaded 45277 Items, Failed 69, Already Downloaded 1160").

Many "not found for url" error which means there should be an image/video but the direct url is wrong, I think.

gilesknap commented 6 months ago

Hi @artifexor, I would say that sounds like transient server errors. Those are low level HTTP errors, if an API endpoint gets a 404 then it is currently offline.

If you continue to see these then post again and we'll look into diagnosing, but the occasional 403 points more towards Google server issues.

artifexor commented 5 months ago

Hi @artifexor, I would say that sounds like transient server errors. Those are low level HTTP errors, if an API endpoint gets a 404 then it is currently offline.

If you continue to see these then post again and we'll look into diagnosing, but the occasional 403 points more towards Google server issues.

Thank you. Upgraded to 3.2.1 since. I will try to download the files with error later.

I downloaded photos through takeout and there is much more file (95 GB vs 278 GB). I configured rclone as well and what I noticed the takeout files missing some jpeg header which existed in rclone and gphotos-sync.

gilesknap commented 5 months ago

Re takeout:that is interesting. What jpeg info was missing ?

artifexor commented 5 months ago

Same image as downloaded using takeout (21709 bytes) and gphotos-sync (30231 bytes):

0yd99u47lf591-gphotos 0yd99u47lf591-takeout

rclone output is the same as the gphotos-sync, probably because using the same way to download the image. Changed to more neutral image content.

gilesknap commented 5 months ago

interesting, so if you download direct from the google photos web ui, how does that compare with these two? (i have limited colour vision and can't really see the difference above)

gilesknap commented 5 months ago

I also expected gphotos-sync to get the smaller image because it always gets 'quality' compression even if you have paid for 'original' and asked the API for original.

artifexor commented 5 months ago

I also expected gphotos-sync to get the smaller image because it always gets 'quality' compression even if you have paid for 'original' and asked the API for original.

Ah, I do not know this. So asked via API is recompress the image, nice.

interesting, so if you download direct from the google photos web ui, how does that compare with these two? (i have limited colour vision and can't really see the difference above)

I think they are the same. At least I see no difference between them.