gilestrolab / ethoscope

a platform from monitoring animal behaviour in real time from a raspberry pi
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Resource Tab issue #184

Closed Dulfy02 closed 5 months ago

Dulfy02 commented 5 months ago

I am new to linux but I managed to set up a virtualbox to run the node. Everything seems to be running fine for now, but the one thing that I cant do is access the Resource Tab. I thought it might be an internet problem but pinging gives me no problems. Im not sure if I didnt configure something correctly, but I can do a node update successfully as far as I can tell. Any insight would be appreciated :)

ggilestro commented 5 months ago

Hi there,

I have moved all my servers to a more powerful machine and forgot to move the ethoscope resource server. My bad!

It is now done and it's working properly - in fact even better than before because I've changed the URL to use the default port which is no longer intercepted by firewalls. Please update your node and this should work now as expected.

Dulfy02 commented 5 months ago

Hello, I updated node and still seems that I cant access the resource tab. I have version [dev]61629f...(2024-01-27 15:25:50). When I got to resources it just says wait a few seconds, your node must be connected to the internet for this page to load. I will try just starting over with a new node and see if that works. Thanks for the previous quick reply.

ggilestro commented 5 months ago

Try with a hard-refresh: shift + F5

Dulfy02 commented 5 months ago

I pulled up the debugger and i get Cross-Origin Request Blocked: the same origin policy disallows reading the remote resource at (reason: CORS request did not succeed). Ill try to look into it.

ggilestro commented 5 months ago

The node should be trying to pull and /news. They both return JSON should return a human readable page.

Dulfy02 commented 5 months ago


Dulfy02 commented 5 months ago

This is what I am getting. Seems like it is trying to get a signal every time I refresh, but its not going though.

ggilestro commented 5 months ago

It's trying to connect to the wrong URL. The new address is the one I posted above. Either the update was not successful or you still have the old JavaScript in cache. Try a hard refresh

Dulfy02 commented 5 months ago

Hard refresh worked! Thanks for the help.

ggilestro commented 5 months ago

Glad to hear.

Unrelated: I just made a dockerised version of the node. Should be more convenient to use than the virtualbox image.