gilienv / EssOilDB

Restructuring of Essential Oil Database
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Should complex fields be normalized? #31

Open petermr opened 5 years ago

petermr commented 5 years ago

An example:

if the Authors are

Kumari S, Pundhir S, Priya P, Jeena G, Punetha A, Chawla K, Firdos Jafaree Z, Mondal S, Yadav G.

should this be normalized (e.g. with a author table) or included as an opaque string?

Normalize: Authors can be searched and uniquified Searches are fast and precise LOT of work

Unnormalize -Rapid to create from where the data is currently at. -not easily searched (have to use LIKE %Yadav% so will get false positives)

Other examples are:

Plant synonyms: Create new table OR include opaque string

A new PLANT_SYNONYM table would look like:

primaryKey   plantID   synonym
1               22         Tulsi
2              22          Holy basil
3 .            22         Ocimum sanctum

where 22 was the primary key for Ocimum tenuiflorum

Similar strategies are required for chemical compounds.

Given the time we have I would suggest opaque strings as attributes of the relevant tables.