gillham / logic_analyzer

Implementation of a SUMP compatible logic analyzer for the Arduino
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Divergence between values #53

Closed FernandoGarcia closed 2 years ago

FernandoGarcia commented 2 years ago


Sorry if I'm bothering you.

I'm trying to decode a protocol and I'm using an Arduino Mega running your code as logic analyzer.

The problem is I'm getting divergent values between your logic analyzer code and Arduino pulseInfunction or even using interrupts.

For this reason I'm not able to decode the protocol.

Could you please show me in a simple example what's the method used to measure pulse width in your code?

Looking to your code I wasn't able to understand.

Here the values I'm getting using interrupts:


Here the code:

#if defined(ESP8266)
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR falling();
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR rising();
#define PIN D8  // PIN where the PWM singal arrives
#define PIN 2  // PIN where the PWM singal arrives

// global variables
volatile unsigned int pulse_width = 0; 
volatile unsigned int prev_time = 0; 

void rising() {
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN), &falling, FALLING);  // when PIN goes LOW, call falling()
  prev_time = micros();

void falling() {
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN), &rising, RISING);  // when PIN goes HIGH, call rising()
  pulse_width = micros() - prev_time;

void setup() {

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN), &rising, RISING);  // when PIN goes HIGH, call rising()
  sei();  // enable interrupts

void loop() { }

I'm getting similar results using pulseIn function.

Thanks in advance.

tmk commented 2 years ago

You should use OLS instead of pulseview.

I believe this doesn't support sigrok pulseview yet, see this issue.

FernandoGarcia commented 2 years ago


Thanks for the information!

Looks like the signal in pulseview is inverted as was said here.


Pulseview parking sensor

Best regards.

FernandoGarcia commented 2 years ago

Hi @tmk!

Thanks for point the right way.

Now I have managed to decode the protocol of a parking sensor.

serial monitor abc

I'm so happy!

@gillham, thanks for your great job!

Best regards.