gillham / logic_analyzer

Implementation of a SUMP compatible logic analyzer for the Arduino
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Proposal for Pulseview compatibility #54

Closed FernandoGarcia closed 1 year ago

FernandoGarcia commented 2 years ago


This is my simple and dirty proposal to make this code compatible with Pulseview.

Using your code with OSL client I have results like this:


And using Pulseview I have this:


As you can see the Pulseview graph is inverted. It also was discussed here.

Using my modified version I have graphs like this:


Looking the graph and the values that I can get using this code the result looks right.

#if defined(ESP8266)
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR falling();
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR rising();
#define PIN D8  // PIN where the PWM singal arrives
#define PIN 2  // PIN where the PWM singal arrives

// global variables
volatile unsigned int pulse_width = 0; 
volatile unsigned int prev_time = 0; 

void rising() {
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN), &falling, FALLING);  // when PIN goes LOW, call falling()
  prev_time = micros();

void falling() {
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN), &rising, RISING);  // when PIN goes HIGH, call rising()
  pulse_width = micros() - prev_time;

void setup() {

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN), &rising, RISING);  // when PIN goes HIGH, call rising()
  sei();  // enable interrupts

void loop() { }

I have some doubt about what to do to revert the values of the function triggerMicro() I would like to get your help to improve it.

I know the right way to make it could be detecting the SUMP client and sending the values as needed but I have no idea how to do.

I hope you find it useful.

Best regards.