giltene / jHiccup

jHiccup is a non-intrusive instrumentation tool that logs and records platform "hiccups" - including the JVM stalls that often happen when Java applications are executed and/or any OS or hardware platform noise that may cause the running application to not be continuously runnable.
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Graphs from something other than a proprietary spreadsheet #2

Closed scotte closed 10 years ago

scotte commented 10 years ago

This looks interesting, but graphs need to be created in something other than excel. How about adding a script using R (or some other open/platform-independent language/graphing library) to create the graphs?

giltene commented 10 years ago

These percentile graphs are a pain to recreate in a "pretty enough" way in e.g. gnuplot due to how the X axis labels need to work. It's do-able, but the best I've managed so far has percentile labels above (instead of below) the X axis. This is a generic problem for displaying percentile graphs in general (for things like HdrHistogram), but I agree that supplying something other than Excel is a good idea. Thinking of building a web service for this...

scotte commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the comments! I know what you mean as far as getting plots the way you want them - a web service is handy for one-off analysis, but having a batch way to graph them would be really handy, especially if everything needed is easily packaged.

I'm thinking of cases where we might instrument a random sampling of JVMs in production, so it would need to be automated. One thing that would help there is an alternative output format, such as CSV - I'll create another issue to mull that latter bit over.

scotte commented 10 years ago

With CSV support now working this is now really just an exercise in plotting... I have confirmed both log and hgrm files can be read in R via:

read.csv("/path/to/file", blank.lines.skip=TRUE, comment.char="#")