giltene / wrk2

A constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk
Apache License 2.0
4.28k stars 395 forks source link

invalid option --R #44

Closed eriktelepovsky closed 7 years ago

eriktelepovsky commented 7 years ago

Using the command from readme file:

wrk -t2 -c100 -d15s -R2000


wrk: invalid option -- R
Usage: wrk <options> <url>                            
    -c, --connections <N>  Connections to keep open   
    -d, --duration    <T>  Duration of test           
    -t, --threads     <N>  Number of threads to use   

    -s, --script      <S>  Load Lua script file       
    -H, --header      <H>  Add header to request      
        --latency          Print latency statistics   
        --timeout     <T>  Socket/request timeout     
    -v, --version          Print version details      

  Numeric arguments may include a SI unit (1k, 1M, 1G)
  Time arguments may include a time unit (2s, 2m, 2h)
eriktelepovsky commented 7 years ago

Sorry, my fault. I was using wrk from brew.