gilzamir18 / AI4U

AI4U is a plugin that allows you use the Godot Game Engine to specify agents with reinforcement learning. Non-Player Characters (NPCs) of games can be designed using ready-made components.
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Loading offline ONNX model from LocalController (Godot and Unity version). #16

Closed gilzamir18 closed 11 months ago

gilzamir18 commented 1 year ago

Study the implementation of a local controller completely in .Net to run an agent without needing a Python script.


gilzamir18 commented 1 year ago

Requirements for this feature to be considered fully implemented:

A first step has been achieved. I was able to convert a PyTorch model to Onnx. The next step is to implement a decision loop (Controller with LocalBrain) that successfully performs an inference on the C# side in Unity/Godot.

import torch as th
from torch import nn
from stable_baselines3 import SAC
import gym

class OnnxablePolicy(th.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, actor: th.nn.Module, extractors: nn.ModuleDict):
        # Removing the flatten layer because it can't be onnxed

        self.extractors = extractors = th.nn.Sequential(
            # For gSDE
            # th.nn.Hardtanh(min_val=-actor.clip_mean, max_val=actor.clip_mean),
            # Squash the output

    def forward(self, observations):
        input_tensor = self.extractors(observations)
        # Return a (B, self._features_dim) PyTorch tensor, where B is batch dimension.
        #input_tensor =, dim=1)
        # NOTE: You may have to process (normalize) observation in the correct
        #       way before using this. See `common.preprocessing.preprocess_obs`

# Example: model = SAC("MlpPolicy", "Pendulum-v1")
model = SAC.load("", device="cpu")

onnxable_model = OnnxablePolicy(,

dummy_inputs = {k: th.randn(1, *obs.shape) for k, obs in model.observation_space.items()}

    (dummy_inputs, {}),
gilzamir18 commented 1 year ago

This reference is need to get success implementing ONNX model inference in Unity:

gilzamir18 commented 1 year ago

There is no proper way to install ML.NET in a Unity project. The solutions for this are very clunky and require workarounds. The best solution for Unity is to use Barracuda. It remains to be investigated whether it is easy to install ML.NET in Godot. In this case, I will create a unique interface (Facade Design Pattern) that isolates AI4U from the specific ONNX runtime used on each platform (Godot and Unity). And, communicating with this interface, I will create a common inference interface between Godot and Unity.

gilzamir18 commented 1 year ago

Installing Nuget packages on Godot is a trivial task, natively supported in the Godot 3.5.2 project (Mono version). Using the Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime abstractions seems to be enough for us to handle the problem of creating an inference for an offline model. To do so, run the following commands inside the project directory (assuming the .NET CLI is installed):

  dotnet add package Microsoft.ML
  dotnet add package Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime

A sample of a successiful inference is here.

gilzamir18 commented 11 months ago

Support of the ONNX model was implemented in current main branch.