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Reference Of Parameter in Forward and Inverse modelling #663

Closed tonapawilliam closed 2 months ago

tonapawilliam commented 2 months ago

Excuse Sir,

I would like to know the basis of some parameters that I often use in my forward and inversion models. I have been using pygimli by guessing what parameter numbers I need to enter, which makes me probably lack in basic issues. Do you have any reference on each parameter such as: quality, area, zWeight, lam, paraMaxCellSize, paraDepth? Especially on Quality why it can't be used when at 40, and why zWeight if it gets smaller then the inversion model to the bottom tends to decrease. I would be very grateful if you have a link to some research that I can access regarding these parameters. thank you.

halbmy commented 2 months ago

I totally agree that for some of the parameters (zWeightwe should provide instructive examples or tutorials including the theoretical background and references to literature. Therefore, we plan to restructure these parts in a more didactic way.

However, for a lot of parameters there is something written. Even though it is not always easily found, you can use the Search button on to find, e.g.,

tonapawilliam commented 2 months ago

Thank you sir, I wish you all the best for the development of pygimli, especially in the explanation of parameters and examples.

halbmy commented 2 months ago

I am closing this. The main issue, a more didactic and uncluttered overview on options is part of our upcoming Examples & Tutorial redesign.