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Create a 3D layer model #695

Open zhichaoluan opened 2 weeks ago

zhichaoluan commented 2 weeks ago

from pygimli.physics import ert import pygimli as pg import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pygimli.meshtools as mt


top_layer = mt.createWorld(start=[-10, -10, 0], end=[140, 10, -10], marker=1) middle_layer = mt.createWorld(start=[-10, -10, -10], end=[140, 10, -20], marker=2) bottom_layer = mt.createWorld(start=[-10, -10, -20], end=[140, 10, -40], marker=3) cube_region = mt.createCube(size=[128, 0.4, 40], pos=[128/2, 0, -20], marker=4)


start_model = mt.merge([top_layer, middle_layer, bottom_layer, cube_region])

展示初始模型, alpha=0.3, markers=True)


filename = "cc.shm"

shm = pg.DataContainerERT(filename) data = ert.load(filename) data['k'] = ert.geometricFactors(data)


data['rhoa'] = data['k'] data['u'] / data['i'] 1000 data.remove(data['rhoa'] < 0) data['err'] = ert.estimateError(data, relativeError=0.02)


for s in shm.sensors(): start_model.createNode(s) for s in shm.sensorPositions(): start_model.createNode(s - [0, 0, 1e-2 / 2])


inversion_mesh = mt.createMesh(start_model, quality=1.4), markers=True, showMesh=True)


mgr = ert.ERTManager() mgr.setData(data) mgr.setMesh(inversion_mesh)


mgr.inv.setRegularization(1, fix=100) # 顶层 mgr.inv.setRegularization(2, fix=200) # 中层 mgr.inv.setRegularization(3, fix=300) # 底层 mgr.inv.setRegularization(4, startModel=1e4, limits=[100, 1e4 + 20]) # 立方体区域


mgr.invert(lam=10, zWeight=0.1, verbose=True)


mgr.saveResult() mgr.showMisfit()

I want to create a layer model and assign different resistivity values to each for constraint inversion, but I have some problems to help me solve.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/wangkangbo/test/", line 36, in mgr.invert(lam=10,zWeight=0.1,verbose=True) File "D:\Anaconda3\envs\pg1\lib\site-packages\pygimli\frameworks\", line 777, in invert if self.fop.mesh() is None: File "D:\Anaconda3\envs\pg1\lib\site-packages\pygimli\frameworks\", line 665, in mesh self._applyRegionProperties() File "D:\Anaconda3\envs\pg1\lib\site-packages\pygimli\frameworks\", line 325, in _applyRegionProperties if rMgr.region(rID).fixValue() != vals['fix']: RuntimeError: C:/msys64/home/halbm/gimli/gimli/core/src/regionManager.cpp:593 GIMLI::Region* GIMLI::RegionManager::region(GIMLI::SIndex) no region with marker 1

halbmy commented 2 weeks ago

Dear colleague, when raising an issue, there is a template that should be filled describing some background, what you did, what you expected and what actually happened. You are copying your code (not even into the part where it should go) along with chinese symbols, no images, but an error message that is clear: You do not have a region with marker 1.

halbmy commented 2 weeks ago

You should use only one call of mt.createWorld(). There you can specify layers by the layers argument, see and the below linked examples (mostly 2D) using this function.

zhichaoluan commented 2 weeks ago

"Sorry, my explanation was not very clear." image

"I want to generate a 3D layered model and set an anomaly in it to depict the vertical membrane structures in a landfill. During inversion, I want to keep the resistivity of the background model constant and only invert the central vertical membrane area. However, I'm not sure how to set up the 3D layered model, as it seems the 'layer' parameter can't be used in three dimensions. I'm encountering the following error messages in my code." image

halbmy commented 2 weeks ago

Have you tried mt.createWorld(start=[-10, -10, -40], end=[140, 10, 0], layers=[-10, -30])?

Note that you will need a much larger mesh for accurate simulations.

zhichaoluan commented 2 weeks ago

"It displays an error like this," HV8$UH1{KFA{CS1@_SWWK3F

halbmy commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, I am sorry, obviously this feature does not exist yet. I would suggest the following:

zhichaoluan commented 1 week ago

from pygimli.physics import ert import pygimli as pg import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pygimli.meshtools as mt world=mt.createWorld(start=[-10, -10,-40], end=[140, 10,0],worldMarker=True,marker=1) cube3=mt.createCube(size=[128, 0.4, 40], pos=[128/2, 0, -40/2],marker=4) start_model = world +cube3,alpha=0.3,markers=True)

filename = "cc.shm" shm = pg.DataContainerERT(filename) data=ert.load(filename) data['k']=ert.geometricFactors(data) data['rhoa']=data['k']data['u']/data['i']1000 data.remove(data['rhoa']<0) data['err'] = ert.estimateError(data,relativeError=0.02) for s in shm.sensors(): start_model.createNode(s) for s in shm.sensorPositions(): start_model.createNode(s - [0,0,1e-2/2]) inversion_mesh= mt.createMesh(start_model,quality=1.4), markers=True, showMesh=True) mgr=ert.ERTManager() mgr.setData(data) mgr.setMesh(inversion_mesh) mgr.inv.setRegularization(1, background=True) mgr.inv.setRegularization(1,fix=200) mgr.inv.setRegularization(2,startModel=1e4,limits=[100,1e4+20]) mgr.invert(lam=10,zWeight=0.1,verbose=True) mgr.saveResult() mgr.showMisfit()

I have created a model that includes an anomaly. In the inversion process, I want to constrain the resistivity of the background to remain constant, optimizing only the resistivity of the anomalous cube. Now, I want to change the uniform background model to a layered model, assigning different resistivities to each layer, and similarly constrain the resistivities of the layered background to remain unchanged during inversion

When I haven't established a layered structure, my forward modeling mesh is correct, as shown below 1713496542290



However, when I try to use a layered model, there is a problem with establishing the mesh; the mesh is not divided correctly 1713496372534

1713496279327 1713496309510

zhichaoluan commented 1 week ago

halbmy commented 1 week ago

Please paste code and messages as text instead of screenshots.

In your case the layers (cubes) intersect with the vertical sheet. Whereas such things are automatically resolved in 2D, in 3D this needs to be solved by splitting every cube into two, one on either side of the sheet.