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Inversion with fixed region does not export results #774

Open mariosgeo opened 3 weeks ago

mariosgeo commented 3 weeks ago

Problem description

I am inverting some marine ERT data, using floating cable. I am fixing the bathymetry and resistivity value of the water layer, but when I save the results, the VTK file looks off while the pdf looks ok.

Your environment

Operating system: e.g. Windows Python version: 3.11,1 pyGIMLi version: Output of print(pygimli.__version__) Way of installation: e.g. Conda

Steps to reproduce

Tell us how to reproduce this issue. Ideally, you could paste the code that produces the error:

import pygimli as pg
import pygimli.meshtools as mt
from pygimli.physics import ert
import numpy as np

# pg.viewer.mpl.showDataContainerAsMatrix(data, "a", "m", "rhoa",cMap='rainbow',cMin=10,cMax=1000,logScale=True)

plc = mt.createParaMeshPLC(data, paraDx=1,paraDepth=20, paraMaxCellSize=5,


#, markers=True)

mesh = mt.createMesh(plc, quality=32)

for b in mesh.boundaries():
     if b.marker() == -1 and not b.outside():

#, markers=True)
#, markers=True, showMesh=False)
water = mesh.createSubMesh(mesh.cells(mesh.cellMarkers() == 3))


mgr = ert.ERTManager(data)
mgr.setMesh(mesh)  # use this mesh for all subsequent runs

mgr.inv.setRegularization(3, limits=[20, 35], trans="log")
# mgr.inv.setRegularization(3, fix=22.5, trans="log")


# mgr.showResultAndFit()
# mgr.showFit() 

misfit = - mgr.inv.response / data["rhoa"] * 100 + 100


Expected behavior

The inversion results saved as vtk and pdf match ws__02.txt

Actual behavior

Rename resistivity_vtk.txt to resistivity.vtk

bath_02.txt resistivity.pdf ws__02.txt resistivity_vtk.txt

Paste your script output here.

If possible, please add one or more labels to your issue, e.g. if you expect that your issue is rather a question than a problem with the code, please add the label "question".

halbmy commented 2 weeks ago

Regions with fixed values are background regions (like the big box around every normal inversion) just needed for the forward calculation and therefore not part of the inverse problem. As a result, the values are not mapped back from the model vector and therefore not plotted as in the region tutorial

You add this by hand using

ax, cb = mgr.showResult(hold=True), pg.Vector(water.cellCount(), 22.5), ax=ax)

We could potentially also include fixed regions into mgr.paraDomain and mgr.paraModel, or directly from mgr.showResult(), using a keyword, but it should not be the default behaviour.

mariosgeo commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the reply, but I think I still don't get it. I am attaching a small data file that should take few seconds to run (ws__00.txt and bath_00.txt).

I am not actually fixing the the water layer, but I rather use a lower and upper limit (not sure how's it's treated in the inversion, but that's another question). Still, when I



I get this image (the water layer is present)

when I


The pdf looks fine (including the water layer) resistivity.pdf

The vtk file looks strange inv2

I suppose the mesh in the vtk does not include the the fixed area?

bath_00.txt ws__00.txt

mariosgeo commented 2 weeks ago

Follow up

water = mesh.createSubMesh(mesh.cells(mesh.cellMarkers() == 3))

back = mesh.createSubMesh(mesh.cells(mesh.cellMarkers() ==1))
rest2 = mesh.createSubMesh(mesh.cells(mesh.cellMarkers() ==2))

len(mgr.model) =1504

mesh.cellCount() =2100

back.cellCount() =596
rest2.cellCount() = 581

water.cellCount() = 923

So if I understand correctly, you export the values of the rest2 (581) + water mesh (923) in the mgr.model (1504), but the way you plot it in the vtk has these values NOT in mesh order ?

For Instance,mgr.model) 

works, not sure where you export the mesh in vtk

mariosgeo commented 2 weeks ago

Edit 2:

I think I found the bug (?)

When you export in vtk, you export as

 m['Resistivity'] = self.paraModel(self.model)

but if I export as

 m['Resistivity'] = self.model

Then it works.

mariosgeo commented 2 weeks ago

Edit 3:

In case someone else has a similar issue, this is how I solved it, without re-running the inversion and assuming you have saved the results


import pygimli as pg
import numpy as np


# mesh=pg.load('')
# res_mesh=pg.load('')


pd_mesh['Resistivity'] = res
pd_mesh['Resistivity (log10)'] = np.log10(res)
pd_mesh['Coverage'] = sen
pd_mesh['S_Coverage'] = ssen



halbmy commented 2 weeks ago

Well, the model vector mgr.model is as it comes out of the inversion, i.e. sorted according to the regions and single regions only represented by a single number. Therefore the function mgr.paraModel() is needed to sort them into the mesh (where a single region covers many cells and region markers are unsorted). I'll have a closer look on what's going wrong there taking the lake example.

mariosgeo commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks Thomas. Hope my "case" is helpful.