gimseng / 99-ML-Learning-Projects

A list of 99 machine learning projects for anyone interested to learn from coding and building projects
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[EXE] Intro to NLP using nltk and tf-idf for sentiment classification #140

Open nikunj-taneja opened 3 years ago

nikunj-taneja commented 3 years ago

Learning Goals

Exercise Statement

Use the nltk and scikit-learn libraries to learn basic NLP concepts like word embeddings, stemming, lemmatisation, tf-idf algorithm and apply these concepts in a sentiment classification task on the IMDb Movie Reviews dataset (


[Prerequisites, in terms of concepts or other exercises in this repo]

Data source/summary:

[Provide a succinct summary of what the data is and where it is from]

(Optional) Suggest/Propose Solutions

TITHI007 commented 2 years ago

Shall I work on these project as I have taken part in Hacktoberfest and I am want to make a project based on nlp..!? Pl. assign these issue to me .