gin-gonic / gin

Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
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Exclude middleware from some routes after definition #3047

Open metinogurlu opened 2 years ago

metinogurlu commented 2 years ago

I want to use grouping function after all the middelwares and routes registered. I have tried this solution but it is not suitable for me. I am using oapi generator and oapi already auto generate all the route definations in same place and with only one router. I just want to exclude or remove some middlewares from some endpoints after defined everything.

func (s *Service) registerMiddlewares() *Service {


        // I want to exclude from /healthcheck and/or other endpoinds

    s.gin = server.RegisterHandlers(s.gin, s.api)

    return s

This is auto generated code and calls by RegisterHandlers

func RegisterHandlersWithOptions(router *gin.Engine, si ServerInterface, options GinServerOptions) *gin.Engine {
    wrapper := ServerInterfaceWrapper{
        Handler:            si,
        HandlerMiddlewares: options.Middlewares,

        // all the definitions here and runs after registering all the middlewares

    router.GET(options.BaseURL+"/api/v1/data/private", wrapper.GetPrivateData)

    router.GET(options.BaseURL+"/healthcheck", wrapper.GetHealthcheck)

    return router

Actual result is all the middlewares works for all endpoints. There is no way to use grouping function.

suttapak commented 2 years ago

Do you try like this :

    func (s *Service) registerMiddlewares() *Service {


        // I want to exclude from /healthcheck and/or other endpoinds
       group1 := s.gin.Group("/healthcheck",middlewares.Auth())
          group1.GET("",func(c *gin.Context) {})

    s.gin = server.RegisterHandlers(s.gin, s.api)

    return s
metinogurlu commented 2 years ago

@suttapak Thank you for your reply. But I think this is not suitable for me. Your example is a normal usage of grouping but in my scenario routes already defining in another place and if I specify some route definition before that (like yours) I am getting "handlers are already registered for path '/healthcheck'" error.

bidianqing commented 7 months ago

What is the best way to ignore the authentication middleware from some of the routes. Please tell me what todo? thank you

app := gin.Default()

/* ---------------------------  Public routes  --------------------------- */

 /* ---------------------------  Private routes  --------------------------- */

vkharevych-qualium commented 7 months ago

@bidianqing check here

bidianqing commented 7 months ago

@bidianqing check here

@vkharevych-qualium thanks , It worked as I expected