gin66 / FastAccelStepper

A high speed stepper library for Atmega 168/328p (nano), Atmega32u4, Atmega 2560, ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C3 and Atmel SAM Due
MIT License
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functionality improvements #116

Closed alba-ado closed 2 years ago

alba-ado commented 2 years ago

Hello, I didn't want to include this in the previous issue, so I've opened a new one. I don't understand why you make composite functions like forceStopAndNewPosition() while the user can separately call a forceStop and setCurrentPosition. Making the functions multi-use makes it harder to divide functionality. For example, in my project I run the motor to advance an arm to a position then move it until it touches an item to be grabbed. In this aspect, I don't want to set the new location but want to stop the motor immediately. Also, many functions like forwardStep and backwardStep are one-liner and can be marked as inline functions for better compiler optimization ( something like: inline void FastAccelStepper::backwardStep(bool blocking)) I really love your library and use it very often. But your API needs a bit of improvement. I may one day update these and create a pull request when I'm not so busy. Please take this as an advice and not criticism. I really love your library, and thanks for your work. I want to help as much as possible in the future. (my other account is devrim-oguz, I might create a pull request from there.)

gin66 commented 2 years ago

The forceStopAndNewPosition() is combined with the new position, because it totally stops the stepper interrupt. This causes a little mess in book keeping of the current position and recovering from this mess takes too long for an interrupt service routine.

Alternatives could be:

So in a nutshell, I don't think this makes sense to implement it in FastAccelStepper. In case you have a much better solution to this problem, which I currently cannot come up with, then I will definitely look at it.

But taken up your proposal for a forceStop() with setting new position: In course of the rework in 0.25.x, there is now a super easy solution to stop the stepper quickly (aka within approx. 20ms) without loosing the position. Perhaps this is sufficient.

For the one-liners: Some of the one-liners are accessing the fas_queue, which I actually do not want to leak to the application. Even though, the current file set up may leak it, but this may change in a later, fixed version. And yes, inline would be safe couple of bytes and one call/return-pair. Just those functions are not meant to be called hundred thousand of times per second. So the tradeoff is acceptable.

Yes, writing a good API is difficult, because the one, who designs it, may be blinded by too much insight in the internals. And some of the API implementation is like it is due to some internal implementation details, or for simplicity of a quick and dirty solution. The drawback of changing the API for the better: it may break 3rd party applications or the test code in use by FastAccelStepper. Anyway, good ideas are always welcome.

devrim-oguz commented 2 years ago

Ok, now I understand it. Thank you for explaining. I will take a look at it if I have some time from work. And I would create a pull request when that happens. So I'm closing this issue.