gin66 / FastAccelStepper

A high speed stepper library for Atmega 168/328p (nano), Atmega32u4, Atmega 2560, ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C3 and Atmel SAM Due
MIT License
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Error using move after forced stop #173

Closed jie326513988 closed 1 year ago

jie326513988 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for providing an excellent stepper motor library!

esp32-wroom-32D I'm sure it's the latest library

Use stepper ->move (-100000), Then during the runtime, I used forceStop() once from the button interrupt, The motor stopped, but, When I use stepper ->move (100), the motor moves, but It is still executing the step per>move (-100000) operation.

if (get_key(KEY_BACK) == 1) //Press the button to return to the origin and execute it only once { pinMode(SIG1, INPUT_PULLUP); delay(10); attachInterrupt(SIG1, return_to_origin, FALLING); stepper->move(-100000); // stepper->runForward(); } void return_to_origin() { if (digitalRead(SIG1) == 0) { //stepper->stopMove(); //stepper->runForward(); //stepper->forceStop(); //stepper->setCurrentPosition(0); stepper->forceStopAndNewPosition(0); detachInterrupt(SIG1); } }

if (get_key(KEY_UP) == 1) //Forward button { stepper->move(100); }

jie326513988 commented 1 year ago

I think I found the problem. After forceStop(), the return value of targetPos() is not 0. Can you tell me how to reset it to zero

gin66 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting. Hopefully the problem is now fixed with pre-0.29.3 aka master branch

gin66 commented 1 year ago


jie326513988 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your help! I have updated the latest library. ForceStop() and forceStopAndNewPosition (0) still cannot execute move() correctly. I have printed some information on loop(), hoping it will be helpful to you.

Void return_to_origin_loop() { //return_to_origin() is triggered, returnToOrigin_loop will be set to 1 If (returnToOrigin_loop==0) return;

Serial. print ("targetPos:"); Serial. println (stepper ->targetPos());
Serial. print ("getPositionAfterCommandsCompleted:"); Serial. println (step ->getPositionAfterCommandsCompleted());

Stepper ->setPositionAfterCommandsCompleted (0);

Serial. print ("getPositionAfterCommandsCompleted:"); Serial. println (step ->getPositionAfterCommandsCompleted());
Serial. print ("targetPos:"); Serial. println (stepper ->targetPos());

If (stepper ->isRunning()==0) returnToOrigin_ Loop=0;


Output information: TargetPos: -100000 GetPositionAfterCommandsCompleted: -11283 GetPositionAfterCommandsCompleted: 0 TargetPos: -88717

jie326513988 commented 1 year ago

When I first started up and used runBackward() to return to the original point, After executing forceStop() and setCurrentPosition (0), move() can be used normally. But executing forceStop() and setCurrentPosition (0) after move() will result in a move() error.

My solution now is to return to the origin forceStopAndNewPosition(), execute moveTo (1000), and then move () normally.

gin66 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting. I have created a failing test case based on your report with setCurrentPosition(). I am now analyzing for the root cause.

gin66 commented 1 year ago

Please try the lastest version on master. At least it passes the test case.

jie326513988 commented 1 year ago

That's really good. The problem has been resolved. thanks