gin66 / FastAccelStepper

A high speed stepper library for Atmega 168/328p (nano), Atmega32u4, Atmega 2560, ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C3 and Atmel SAM Due
MIT License
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V0.29.2 not setting positions #176

Closed daniel-frenkel closed 1 year ago

daniel-frenkel commented 1 year ago

I recently upgraded from V0.28.4 to V0.29.2 and it no longer works.

I have not changed any other code, just the version.

When setting the move or moveTo function, the position always remains at 0.

Running the following code prints out a value of 0 and the motor does not begin to move.


Downgrading to V28.4 works as expected.

gin66 commented 1 year ago

That's strange. Which µC are you using ? What is the return value of stepper->moveTo(1000);?

daniel-frenkel commented 1 year ago


Here's the code:

    uint16_t set_pos = stepper->moveTo(10000);
    printf("set_pos: %i\n", set_pos);


set_pos: 0
gin66 commented 1 year ago

Good that 0.28.4 works for you.

I have downgraded to 0.28.4 and I cannot reproduce this problem. Can you please provide more details ?

gin66 commented 1 year ago

comment to this:


The targetPos() is now updated by the stepper task, which may take up to 4ms to update the value returned by targetPos().

daniel-frenkel commented 1 year ago

I switched over to Platformio and everything is working as expected so I'm not sure what was wrong. I'll close this