gin66 / FastAccelStepper

A high speed stepper library for Atmega 168/328p (nano), Atmega32u4, Atmega 2560, ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C3 and Atmel SAM Due
MIT License
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about the arduino 328P setSpeedInHz max only 1000hz using version 0.30.0 #191

Closed LP-ming closed 8 months ago

LP-ming commented 11 months ago
 hello ,First of all, thank you for the library。
 I use your library to control stepper motors,the Control board i am using the arduino 328P.steppin 10,dirpin 11,enablepin 12.The pulse frequency I need is about 20000Hz~70000Hz.
 When I use version 0.28.4 of the library, the 328P is able to pulse at the frequency I need,But when I upgraded to 0.30.0, I found that the 328P could not pulse at the frequency I wanted。The maximum frequency of the pulse at 328P can only be up to 1000Hz。
  Do I have any settings, or the parameters are not configured correctly?Looking forward to your answer, thank you。I can provide my code if needed
gin66 commented 11 months ago

The new version does not allow 70000steps/s, but limits to 50000 steps/s using only one stepper. „ allows up to 50000 generated steps per second for single stepper operation, 37000 for dual stepper and 20000 for three steppers“.

In any case, would be good to have a look at the code for clarifying, why this slow speed comes out.

LP-ming commented 11 months ago

Thanks for your reply。Unfortunately, I didn't have to check for any errors from the code。but i found that after writing issue173 to 328P, PIN10 can PULSE 50KHZ .So, I'm going to rewrite my program based on issue173。3Q

gin66 commented 11 months ago

btw: which version of FastAccelStepper do you use ?

This could be related: 0.30.4: Fix for issue #178: speed does not decelerate but jumps to lower value

LP-ming commented 11 months ago

I use version 0.30.0. The Library Manager of arduino IDE does not provide the 0.30.4 update at this time

gin66 commented 11 months ago

Yes, the Arduino Library Manager is completely broken and gets not fixed since months. Good time to switch to something more professional like platformio.