gin66 / FastAccelStepper

A high speed stepper library for Atmega 168/328p (nano), Atmega32u4, Atmega 2560, ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C3 and Atmel SAM Due
MIT License
282 stars 67 forks source link

Support for STM32F4 #224

Open ipsod opened 5 months ago

ipsod commented 5 months ago

A lot of the new 8-axis printer boards are running STM32F4 chips.

I understand if there isn't time, I just wanted to put this on the map.

TeensyStep supports these boards - it may provide a good reference.

gin66 commented 5 months ago

good proposal. PR‘s are welcome

ajay01994 commented 5 months ago

Hi , I see the teensy step doesnt support teensy 4.0 and above, do you have any reference implementation