gin66 / FastAccelStepper

A high speed stepper library for Atmega 168/328p (nano), Atmega32u4, Atmega 2560, ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C3 and Atmel SAM Due
MIT License
282 stars 67 forks source link

ESP32 All enable pins for separate steppers on for longest stepping duration #238

Closed plpers closed 4 months ago

plpers commented 4 months ago

Per Issue #155, I am finding the same behavior as this issue, where if I have stepper1 running for 1000 steps, and stepper3 running for 5 steps, stepper3's enable pin stays on until stepper1 completes executing it's commands.

here is a code snippet below. When i look on the oscilloscope I cant get stepper 3 enable to stop running.

include "FastAccelStepper.h"


define dirPinStepper1 21 //24, PA2

define enablePinStepper1 19 //22, PA0

define stepPinStepper1 26 //26, PA4

define dirPinStepper2 33 //24, PA2

define enablePinStepper2 32 //22, PA0

define stepPinStepper2 25 //26, PA4

define stepPinStepper3 27

define stepPinStepper4 18

define conveyorPin 23

define flywheelPin 22

FastAccelStepperEngine engine = FastAccelStepperEngine(); FastAccelStepper stepper1 = NULL; FastAccelStepper stepper2 = NULL; FastAccelStepper stepper3 = NULL; FastAccelStepper stepper4 = NULL;

void setup() {

engine.init(); stepper1 = engine.stepperConnectToPin(stepPinStepper1); stepper2 = engine.stepperConnectToPin(stepPinStepper2); stepper3 = engine.stepperConnectToPin(stepPinStepper3); stepper4 = engine.stepperConnectToPin(stepPinStepper4); if (stepper1) { stepper1->setDirectionPin(dirPinStepper1); stepper1->setEnablePin(enablePinStepper1); stepper1->setAutoEnable(true); // If auto enable/disable need delays, just add (one or both): // stepper->setDelayToEnable(50); // stepper->setDelayToDisable(1000); stepper1->setSpeedInUs(1000); // the parameter is us/step !!! stepper1->setAcceleration(1500); stepper1->enableOutputs(); } if (stepper2) { stepper2->setDirectionPin(dirPinStepper2); stepper2->setEnablePin(enablePinStepper2); stepper2->setAutoEnable(true); // If auto enable/disable need delays, just add (one or both): // stepper->setDelayToEnable(50); // stepper->setDelayToDisable(1000); stepper2->setSpeedInUs(1000); // the parameter is us/step !!! stepper2->setAcceleration(1500); stepper2->enableOutputs(); } if (stepper3){ stepper3->setEnablePin(flywheelPin); stepper3->setAutoEnable(true); stepper3->setSpeedInUs(1000); // the parameter is us/step !!! stepper3->setAcceleration(1500); //stepper3->setDelayToDisable(1); //stepper3->enableOutputs(); //nuked so it doesnt boot firing and shit } if (stepper4){ stepper4->setEnablePin(conveyorPin); stepper4->setAutoEnable(true); stepper4->setSpeedInUs(1000); // the parameter is us/step !!! stepper4->setAcceleration(1500); //stepper4->setDelayToDisable(1); //stepper3->enableOutputs(); //nuked so it doesnt boot firing and shit } }

void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: stepper3->move(20); stepper4->move(20); stepper1->move(2000); delay(4000); }

plpers commented 4 months ago

additionally, if i attempt to enable/disable outputs based on an individual stepper being stopped (e.g. stepper->isRunning) it stops all the other motors.

gin66 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for sharing the code. Before hunting any ghosts, are you by any chance using Arduino IDE with its buggy library manager ? Arduino IDE only offers installation of 0.30.0 and there is a related bug fix implemented in 0.30..5.

plpers commented 4 months ago

hi @gin66 - yes that works now. Yes, I am using the arduino library manager, and it was 0.30.0. since I'm working with kids. I manually installed from github and it works great now! thanks for providing a great library.