ginader / easychirp - Web accessibility for the Twitter website application
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Theme Selection #120

Closed weboverhauls closed 11 years ago

weboverhauls commented 11 years ago

Mechanism for user to select "theme-inverse" as option to "theme-default" (class in body element).

Related to issues #56 and #118

andrewwoods commented 11 years ago

How do you suggest doing theme selection? It ultimately needs to be saved somewhere. the profile info that we display comes from twitter directly. we could create a table to save the profile data. then the question is how often do we update it? which data gets priority? apart from theme info, what additional fields would be want to maintain?

weboverhauls commented 11 years ago

-We won't use any of the user's twitter settings; all internal. -The theme selection would work very similarly to the language selection; sorry I wasn't too clear on this part. We can add a line in the footer that says: Select theme: normal | high contrast -When selecting high contrast, this simply changes the "theme-default" class in the body element to "theme-inverse". Try it in a web inspector! -I'd like to do this after language selection because people are expecting the i18n feature.

andrewwoods commented 11 years ago

I think I like the inverse theme better. Anyways, theme selection is working now.

weboverhauls commented 11 years ago

Awesome, works well!