ging / fiware-idm

OAuth 2.0-based authentication of users and devices, user profile management, Single Sign-On (SSO) and Identity Federation across multiple administration domains.
MIT License
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Do you support OIDC .well-known/openid-configuration ??? #278

Open jradxl opened 2 years ago

jradxl commented 2 years ago

I have an instance running in Docker as per your docker-compose example. Excellent app. I can log in an create myself an application with Client ID and Secret - easy, thanks

But I cannot get my app to connect to keyrock... My Keyrock instance is My application then tries

My app is configured by this json

"type": "OIDC",
"name": "KeyRock1",
"clientID": "c0fa2637-SECRET-8f946c8bf496",
"clientSecret": "972e65f5-SECRET-2d781ee60070",
"configurationEndpoint": "",
"listenAddress": ":8000"

What Configuration Endpoint should I use?

josemacruz commented 2 years ago

The end point should be like this:{application_Id}/.well-known/openid-configuration