gingeleski / conspiracy

Web app pen test automation via Chrome and Burp Suite.
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Add AuxiliaryPlugin type #29

Closed gingeleski closed 5 years ago

gingeleski commented 5 years ago

I can imagine a need for plugins that simply help other plugins, instead of being run on their own.

This type could be called "AuxiliaryPlugin" and is callable by the other two main plugin types.

There should also be some system of specifying dependencies.

Example case

The xssmap browser page plugin uses the provokepageevents plugin to ensure all alerts, confirms, etcetera run on a page.

xssmap is trying to see if cross-site scripting payloads come back (are "reflected") in the target page. Sometimes this requires some page event to be provoked in order for that to show itself.

All provokepageevents would do is play around with the page so as to cause as many page events to execute as possible.

gingeleski commented 5 years ago

Going to write up the dependency stuff as a separate issue.

Need to think more on that. Like, ordering plugins, specifying which ones a given plugin is dependent on...