gingeleski / conspiracy

Web app pen test automation via Chrome and Burp Suite.
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Add note about nuances introduced by sslyze/nassl #31

Open gingeleski opened 5 years ago

gingeleski commented 5 years ago

The sslyze plugin has a dependency nassl which will only work with 64-bit Python.

In trying to set up Conspiracy on one of my different pen testing laptops, I noticed the pip install of everything would fail as it couldn't find the nassl 2.1.2 version. Trying to install a wheel for 2.1.2 directly failed as it said there wasn't support.

After some digging, it became apparent that I had 32-bit Python 3.6 installed (!!) and this is not supported by nassl.

A note about this needs to be added to the README. This issue should be updated with any additional nuances introduced by sslyze or nassl.