gingeleski / cucumber-spring-security-tests

Cucumber/BDD security tests example for Java (Spring Boot API).
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Determine whether to add BDD-Security or Gauntlt for end-to-end testing #35

Closed gingeleski closed 4 years ago

gingeleski commented 4 years ago

Either BDD-Security or Gauntlt would seem to desirable to add for end-to-end testing.

This issue covers researching which of the two is more maintained, developed, and desirable.

A separate issue will be opened to initially add whichever one to the Vagrant image for this project.

gingeleski commented 4 years ago

Upon close inspection of both projects, they strike me as being pretty equal in --

However, BDD-Security edges out Gauntlt in my view for a couple reasons.

One is it has some degree of support for "Selenium/WebDriver" whereas there's no evidence of this for Gauntlt. It lists "curl" and I guess that's how far it goes sending ad hoc requests and interpreting responses.

Two is it's Java-based and built with Gradle, just like this project. That gives me a feeling that integrating its results with these results in a pipeline of some sort will be easier. More importantly, I would much rather get my hands dirty with Java as opposed to Gauntlt's Ruby.

Closing this issue with my decision as BDD-Security ... I will fork it to customize as needed.