ginkage / MHI-AC-Ctrl-ESPHome

ESPHome integration for MHI-AC-Ctrl project
MIT License
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Power is in W not A #70

Open sanderlv opened 7 months ago

sanderlv commented 7 months ago

I updated to the latest code and I get now Amps instead of Watt for:

      - name: ${devicename} current power
        id: ampere

But: Power is in W Current is in A

I noticed because I had in my old cofig:

  - platform: template
    name: ${devicename} - Current Power
    id: "power"
    unit_of_measurement: W
    lambda: return id(ampere).state * 230;

To get an idea of the consumed power, by calculating the power=current+voltage (P=UxI).

For the sake of completeness, I have this also:

  - platform: total_daily_energy
    name: "${devicename} - Day Consumption"
    power_id: "power"
        # Multiplication factor from W to kW is 0.001
        - multiply: 0.001
        - throttle: 300s
    unit_of_measurement: kWh
    icon: mdi:clock-alert
ervee commented 7 months ago

I read somewhere that the wording "current power" was a bit poorly chosen. I just changed the yaml to:


Then add:

And this works fine and is pretty much what you have.

Perhaps the "current power" in the default yaml example should be changed to "current draw" ?

sanderlv commented 7 months ago

Power is in W Current is in A

Current Power means "current W" not A


ervee commented 7 months ago

Or A power.

Now I'm just joking but Current Power doesn't mean anything IMHO. It is just a mistake the original author made. Perhaps @ginkage is willing to change it or just create a pull request incorporating the other usefull code. I'm not the maintainer or this repo :)