ginkage / MHI-AC-Ctrl-ESPHome

ESPHome integration for MHI-AC-Ctrl project
MIT License
95 stars 35 forks source link

Can't set it up. #90

Open Apacalipto opened 1 month ago

Apacalipto commented 1 month ago

Noobie here.

Want to use the software, and its my first time working with an esp8266 device.

I'm getting the following error over and over:

[22:57:08][W][component:237]: Component took a long time for an operation (101 ms). [22:57:08][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms. [22:57:09][W][mhi_ac_ctrl:143]: mhi_ac_ctrl_core.loop error: -4 [22:57:09][W][component:237]: Component took a long time for an operation (101 ms). [22:57:09][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms. [22:57:09][W][mhi_ac_ctrl:143]: mhi_ac_ctrl_core.loop error: -4 [22:57:09][W][component:237]: Component took a long time for an operation (101 ms). [22:57:09][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms. [22:57:09][W][mhi_ac_ctrl:143]: mhi_ac_ctrl_core.loop error: -4 [22:57:09][W][component:237]: Component took a long time for an operation (101 ms). [22:57:09][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.

When i do esphome logs lr_mhi_ac_ctrl.yaml in the CMD.

i already changed the yaml to the legacy code, removed the .esphome folder and ran the following command again:

esphome lr_mhi_ac_ctrl.yaml run.

After that i pick 1 (usb device) to install.

Tweaks i made to the Yaml. I added an password to the AP. I changed the board type (this was the name my board got from home assistant when i flashed it before so i thought this is the right one, but i switched to flashing through cmd because i couldn't find out how to add the framesize files etc. to the homeassistant installation method.

Wifi SSD and password in string.

My Yaml:

Version 2.1


Unique device ID in HA

deviceid: "mhi_ac_ctrl"

Unique device name in HA

devicename: "MHI-AC-Ctrl"

esphome: name: ${deviceid} friendly_name: ${devicename} platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m platformio_options:

Run CPU at 160Mhz to fix mhi_ac_ctrl_core.loop error: -2

board_build.f_cpu: 160000000L



Comment if you encounter mhi_ac_ctrl_core.loop error: -2 errors and uncomment the legacy_framesize file

mhi-ac-ctrl: !include conf/large_framesize.yaml

Uncomment this to allow for a working configuration on floor units or older units

mhi-ac-ctrl: !include conf/legacy_framesize.yaml

wifi: ssid: "Deco-wifi-42" password: "Tracker!X"

ap: ssid: "Wifi Fallback Hotspot" password: "50NSos29Ac0B" logger: level: DEBUG baud_rate: 0



api: reboot_timeout: 0s services:

Call the set_api_room_temperature service from HA to override the room temperature

# If a new value has not been received after room_temp_api_timeout seconds, it will fall back to internal sensor
- service: set_api_room_temperature
    value: float
    - lambda: |-
        return ((MhiAcCtrl*)id(${deviceid}))->set_room_temperature(value);
# Call the set_vanes service from HA to set the vane position
# Needed because the ESPHome Climate class does not support this natively
# Possible values: 1-4: static positions, 5: swing, 0: unknown
- service: set_vanes
    value: int
    - lambda: |-
        return ((MhiAcCtrl*)id(${deviceid}))->set_vanes(value);



Hope somebody here can help me troubleshoot this issue :). Don't know how to proceed and it's kind of frustrating to be stuck.

Thanks for developing this integration by the way :)

Apacalipto commented 1 month ago

The device is still connected to my computer, at the moment.

arpiecodes commented 1 month ago

You need to connect it to the AC. The error indicates it has trouble communicating with the airconditioner. Connect it up and the error should go away.

Apacalipto commented 1 month ago

connected it. But now i get this:

C:\Users\knobb\Downloads\MHI-AC-Ctrl-ESPHome-master\MHI-AC-Ctrl-ESPHome-master>esphome logs lr_mhi_ac_ctrl.yaml INFO ESPHome 2024.5.0 INFO Reading configuration lr_mhi_ac_ctrl.yaml... WARNING 'mhi_acctrl': Using the '' (underscore) character in the hostname is discouraged as it can cause problems with some DHCP and local name services. For more information, see INFO Starting log output from mhi_ac_ctrl.local using esphome API WARNING Can't connect to ESPHome API for mhi_ac_ctrl.local: Error resolving IP address: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed (APIConnectionError) INFO Trying to connect to mhi_ac_ctrl.local in the background

So it doesn't seem online? The wifi password and name are in "string" quotes. Is that an issue?