ginkgo / pink-pony

Pink Pony is a 3D racing game with ponies!
36 stars 5 forks source link

GLFW3 #5

Open xyproto opened 9 years ago

xyproto commented 9 years ago


I'm trying to package pink-pony for Arch Linux. The official version of GLFW for Arch is 3.1.1.

My attempt to add full GLFW3 support was not completed, but this is what I've got so far:

See this document for more information about making the transition from GLFW 2 to 3:

Please support GLFW3.

Best regards, Alexander F Rødseth

ginkgo commented 9 years ago

Hello xyproto,

porting to GLFW3 shouldn't be too much of an issue. flextGL has a backend for GLFW3 now, so we can generate code for that. I didn't know pink-pony still uses GLU. We can probably get rid of that dependency altogether.

ginkgo commented 9 years ago

PS: There already is an AUR package for pink-pony: That depends on glfw2, which is also an AUR package.

One thing which sort of kept me from switching to GLFW3 with pink-pony was that it still hasn't been widely adopted by other distros. Those are usually less quick to switch to newer api versions than Arch is.

xyproto commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the reply! I somehow missed the AUR package. It's understandable if supporting GLEW3 is not a priority. Cheers!

turulomio commented 5 years ago

Hi, I played this game time ago. I've been trying to compile it in Gentoo, but GLFW-2 it's not supported anymore. Do you have any plans to update to GLFW3?.

I forked and try to do my best, but I'm not familiar with GLFW3, sorry.

Thanks for the game

ginkgo commented 5 years ago

Hi @Turulomio, hmm.. I remember that I started working on this(created a glfw3 branch for it), but it seems like I never committed the local changes. I see if I can get it to compile and push the current state to the glfw3 branch. It shouldn't be too hard to switch to glfw3. The main change is that many functions need a glfw window to be passed as an additional parameter.

ginkgo commented 5 years ago

Okay, here's my changes:

It compiles but there still seem to be some issues with the GUI and sound. You can use this as a starting point if you want. Otherwise I can have a look myself.

ginkgo commented 5 years ago

User input should work with now. There's still issues with sound and GLU though.