ginobilinie / medSynthesis

medical image synthesis with GAN framework based on tensorflow (we also have a better version in pytorch:
MIT License
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3T to 7T model #5

Closed KingsleyBw closed 2 years ago

KingsleyBw commented 5 years ago

Hi, I just looked through your paper. I'm quite interested in the 3T to 7T part. It seems that the code published here is intended for MR-to-CT. Are you using the same code for 3T-to-7T training? Or do you have another version that you can share for the 3T-to-7T part for your paper?

ginobilinie commented 5 years ago

check this one (it is implemented by pytorch, and use U-Net like network with long-skip connection as generator, and we implemented original BCE loss and wgan-gp loss for the discriminator):