gintool / gin

GI in No Time - a Simple Microframework for Genetic Improvement
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Add a statement mutation operator #13

Closed sandybrownlee closed 6 years ago

sandybrownlee commented 6 years ago

Not Java-specific as such but I think will be heavily slanted towards Java syntax. The idea is to look within statements for possible modifications. So e.g.:

sandybrownlee commented 6 years ago

As a first step, we'll need an abstract MutateStatement class, to extend Edit. Then extending that, we can have SwapOperator, SwapAssignment etc.

This will mean additions to Patch.randomEdit() and Patch.apply()

We will probably also need some clever tests to see where each of these is applicable, but as a start, we can just try them and let the compiler decide if they work or not.

drdrwhite commented 6 years ago

Cool. Are mutation testing operators relevant here?

Mujava - the most well-known mutation testing tool for Java. Paper:

Table 2 in the paper on Judy, another mutation testing tool, has examples of mutation operators:

drdrwhite commented 6 years ago

The MuJava source is online, so could be used to mine operator implementations:

sandybrownlee commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I've been finding that most helpful. A question: do was want edits to be immutable? One could imagine that an instance of MutateStatement will be tied to a particular statement, but be might want to change the mutation - say instead of swapping a 0 to a 1, swap to -1 instead. My instinct is to make it immutable - if we want to modify an edit we can just copy it and replace what its doing then.

drdrwhite commented 6 years ago

We should think about the purpose of creating these operators - we can discuss in our skype.

drdrwhite commented 6 years ago

Good skype, thanks all.

@sandybrownlee when you submit a PR please link to this issue.

Let's take detailed discussion to Slack, unless it is specifically about the implementation of a mutation operator.

sandybrownlee commented 6 years ago

In the interests of clarity I'm switching from "MutateStatement" to "ModifyStatement"...

Placeholder: for now I've added a single extra block to Patch.randomEdit() which will add a new LogicalOperatorReplacement. It's debatable whether we should either (a) decide we're adding a ModifyStatement, then choose which kind of modification to do; or (b) make the different modifications top-level - so the same chance of being created as copy/delete/move statement edits.

drdrwhite commented 6 years ago

Don't overthink it - as Gin is designed to be hacked, we don't have to be backwards-compatible... yet... "move fast and improve things".

sandybrownlee commented 6 years ago

Thanks :)

Nearly there with this. I've created a "swap operator" edit, which will swap e.g. == for a !=, or * for a /. A little more testing in the morning.

For those interested in the meantime, the changes are here -