gintool / gin

GI in No Time - a Simple Microframework for Genetic Improvement
MIT License
43 stars 20 forks source link

Improve README instructions based on Markus' feedback #8

Closed drdrwhite closed 6 years ago

drdrwhite commented 6 years ago

From Markus' original comments:

==> Does New best mean that this patch passes all test cases, or just more than before? I assume Gin does not optimise in a multi-objective fashion right away, but maybe it optimises lexicographically <testsFailed,runtime>? Or what does it do? Minimise time, but always passing all tests? Yes, I have yet to look into the source code... Given the distinction of "patch invalid" and "failed to compile", I think the goal is runtime minimisation under the condition that all tests are passed, right? If so, this might be a statement for the, e.g., "Running a Simple Example" with an explanation of the terms used.