gioblu / PJON

PJON (Padded Jittering Operative Network) is an experimental, arduino-compatible, multi-master, multi-media network protocol.
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Udp and SoftwareBitBang #321

Closed mschmidi closed 4 years ago

mschmidi commented 4 years ago

Dear guys,

First if all happy holliday to you all. Now to my question. I’ve been playing with SoftwareBitBang a couple of months ago, and with the support of the community i was able to make it work between 2 arduinos and 2 wemos d1mini. Unfortunately due to lack of time and success, i left this topic sitting on my work bench since. Now i would like to restart a and give it another try. Before i do so i tought to share my final goal with you, so you comment on paths to follow and so on.

I would like to spread out many small arduinos in my garden manly hooked up to a relay to switch lights and sprinkler heads all of the connected thru an coax cable ending up on a wemos mini which i plan to use as a gateway between standart UPD protocol used by my home automation and the SoftwareBitBang for the arduino switches.

I would like to use an wemos as gateway as i like their possibilities like OTA an so on. However if i need to use and arduino with an eth shield i would do so.

No to my tests so far. As i wrote earlier i have been able to communicate between to arduinos or 2 Wemos using SoftwareBitBang. However as soon i try to mix them up i was not able to make them work. (If i remember right someone tried to explain me why but i dit not get it 😳) The i tried using an eth shield on a arduino nano (which worked for the BitBang) sadly i got conflicts between the eth and the pjon library. This was the stage i gave up since my basic skills don’t allow me to change libraries on my on...

So i’m wondering am I the only one trying such a scenario? Or did i miss a key Element of Pjon protocol?

Thank you so much for your comments. Br M.

fredilarsen commented 4 years ago

@mschmidi I have in my automation setup two SoftwareBitBang local buses in different buildings. To avoid pulling still another wire between the buildings I use one Arduino Nano with an Ethernet card on each bus to connect the 2 physical buses into one "virtual" local bus through my wired Ethernet LAN.

The Nano "switches" use the BlinkingRGBSwitch example (with some additions to report traffic statistics in my ModuleInterface setup). I also changed it to use DualUDP instead of LocalUDP, to avoid packets being broadcast on all my WiFi access points unnecessarily.

I think the only problems I had was the RAM amount, so as you can see in the example the send queue size has been reduced with the PJON_MAX_PACKETS preprocessor definition.

Extending the bus through the LAN also allows adding more DualUDP devices directly into the bus, so you can easily add ESP32/ESP8266 devices via WiFi, more Arduinos with network shields, and processes running on Raspberry/Windows/Linux computers attached to your LAN.

gioblu commented 4 years ago

Ciao @mschmidi happy to hear from you again :)

If you are making the first steps with PJON I would suggest you to avoid to run a mixed voltage level bus (3v3 and 5v) because that adds various potential issues (and also the ESP is not that secure specially for a long term deployment). For entry level use/evaluation I would suggest you to start with Arduino nanos for slaves/nodes and arduino nano, uno or mega and ethernet shield.

When building the SoftwareBitBang side remember to use the pull-down and current-limiting resistors as suggested here and here

Also be sure to choose pins which work with SoftwareBitBang, see here

Could you paste here the errors you got when trying to compile using the Eth shield?

If you need direct support, you can also join our gitter chat here:

mschmidi commented 4 years ago

Hi guys, As usual, this was quick! I will try find some time within the next few days and comment my results. Thank you all for your support!